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Lancer Evolution 7 GSR (2001)
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Mitsubishi Lancer (1994)
Vehicle Owner SIVART
, 02 July 2011 - 09:33 AM
- Name: Rain guards
- Description: weathersheild kit aka raingaurds
- Vehicle Owner: SIVART
- Category: Exterior Modifications
- Date Added: 02 July 2011 - 09:48 AM
- Date Updated: --
- Cost Price: $ 185
- Install Price: $ 0
- Rating: 10/10
- Comments: well worth the $$ on these genuine ones , no wind noise , and is ADR with the metal clips , I like how you can crack the window just enough not to need the a/c on , and that the water doesn't come into the car
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- 64 Owners
- 83 Vehicles
- 211 Modifications
- 263 Images
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