Thoughts on painting front bar like new EVO


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Nov 20, 2010
Gold Coast
Hey guys,

I think im about to paint my front bar black inbetween the intercooler hole and between the two gaps either side...

Im hoping it'l make it look a little newer and more so like the new EVO's

Im also going to paint the mesh black and the metal behind the mesh so it doesn't stand out

Any thoughts??

Also, if anyone good with design and photoshop, feel free to digitally fill in the gaps with black on the below pic


I reckon it'd look a bit try-hard and poxy IMO....

The lines of the car doesn't really suit it.

What about getting the strip at the top of the bonnet and the side mirrors painted? Maybe put a glare strip on to lower the roof line?
Hmmm, fair call...

Im definately doing the top of the bonnet and mirrors white, but what do you mean by 'glare strip'?
So i decided to paint it. Personally im really happy with the result... think it makes it look alot newer and far more agressive! :)

The job was quite easy, was painted at home with Acrylic 'Satin Black' from a can. A lot of prepping is involved, wet and dry alocated area, wax and grease remover, pin-striping the exact lines and covering everything else up with newspaper and tape.

Let me know your 'honest' thoughts... Good or bad? Agressive or Try-hard??


Taking the front bar off is actually quite easy... Take the bottom front indicators out and unscrew the 2 bolts behind it.



Finished Result





Painted the rear bar, panel on the boot and two bumper pads black.

Im painting the bonnet and door handles white, leaving the mirrors black and tinting the windows as black as possible.
When I see it on here, much better

Now I know where they styled the current cars from... the bloody RVR.. Think about the shape, size and style!
Thanks lads!
Im wrapped with it... always reverse parking it so i get to see the front when i pick it up;) Bit of a saddo hehehe