hey guys i might not be coming tomoro after all... car's not quite up to it, plus there's no great mystery as to what a near stock car would run...
i would love to come with someone, however i've got a family thing on sunday as well... so i might have to give this one a miss :cry:
i run a succesful brothel :oops:
:lol: ok ok it's not really that successful... so far dil's the only regular :wink:
seriously though, shortly may be starting a business however nothing to do with cars
it's to do with photos and photo albums etc
is it down again?
Not Found
The requested URL /~vr4/clubvr4/forums was not found on this server.
Apache/1.3.26 Server at home.swiftdsl.com.au Port 80
:lol: will it ever work like it's meant to?
i dunno why but i couldn't get the pic to actually show up
i tried all the combos... using the "view" link from clubvr4 with img and url tags and using the download link with img and url
none of them worked
or maybe i'm just retarted...
what do you guys do?
not a bad idea baz
maybe even a wooden spoon type of a trophy for those that have a higher spec turbo and get beaten by a "lower" spec turbo ie GT series gets beaten by a 16g etc..
well you can't put a damper on me baz :lol: 12's with 1bar and 3" zorst with a 14b
if i prove you right i can have your car right? :wink:
na i'll just be happy to run and get in the 14s somewhere...
i've heard of vr4s with same mods as above hit flat 15s!! i hope that's not going to happen...
i haven't put my 2cents in yet! :lol:
na i'm not racist, i tolerate all the disadvantaged races the same :lol:
hey dre what's that fat man video thing you have in your sig?