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  1. blackvr

    cp9a Evo 6 engine

  2. blackvr

    GSR-EVO electrical wiring manual

    Thanks leadfoot
  3. blackvr

    GSR-EVO electrical wiring manual

    The links appear not to work in the sticky... does any one have access or a link to a wiring/electrical manual for the GSR-EVO Lancers ? Cheers, Mike
  4. blackvr

    6 or 7 bolt short block?

    I think you are overthinking the " less desirable" rod angle etc etc. I've built any number of 100mm stroker 6 bolts and 7 bolts. I've yet to see anything detrimental. Mind you, the long rod variants like BAZENG do rev a bit higher before falling off the power. I've got a 4G64 6 bolt with...
  5. blackvr

    Gearbox install tips - on the ground

    When we were using stock boxes in our Rally car, changing boxes was a regular thing in Service park. We used a trolley jack to manoeuvre it up if there were no he men service boys around. What helped were a couple of 100mm long 10 x 1.25 bolts. We used these to act as guides on the back of the...
  6. blackvr

    Tips for removing 5th gear from the shaft

    I'll try and send a pic of my tool tomorrow... I've been flat out getting us and customers ready for Classic Adelaide tarmac rally sorry. Mo... do not use pry bars ! 5th gears are hard enough to find these days without chipping them !!
  7. blackvr

    Tips for removing 5th gear from the shaft

    You need a very special puller. I made mine up. Its a tube effectively with a lip on the bottom to engage into groove on top of the 5th gear. The puller has been cut lengthwise into halves, and then clamped back together when on the gear. I made a threaded plate that then sits inside the...
  8. blackvr

    Fuel Tanks - GSR/EVO1-3 vs EVO9

    Fuel filler necks are reversed. The actual mounting hole dimensions are the same
  9. blackvr

    Trailing arm bushes

    Fair chance they have just "stretched" under heavy use or hitting fairly solid stuff , and elongated a little.
  10. blackvr

    Evo 4-9 RS LSD Rear Drive Shafts

    Aldo, have you actually had a DS out of an Outlander ? I was thinking they were Viscous LSd , and the inner cup/shaft is different to a mechanical LSD inner cup ? I've often looked at them on the hoist when servicing them and wondered...
  11. blackvr

    4g93t Water Pump

    I use the Powermax version. They have worked fine. I have a spare new one here for $50 plus $10 post if you would be interested ?
  12. blackvr

    WTB : Inlet manifold Galant SE

    As above, looking for a inlet manifold off the SOHC 4G63 front wheel drive Galant. Normally, there are a few of these at our local Pick A parts, but they only have GSR DOHC Galants at present !! Any one have a manifold they can spare ? Message , or call mob 0417 083 682
  13. blackvr

    4g64 hydraulic rocker arms

    Have you checked out U Pullit ? They usually have a few of those 4G64s ?
  14. blackvr

    4g64 hydraulic rocker arms

    Sorry buddy, I went and grabbed the head, but they were the roller rocker types. Which model car did the 4G64 you have come from ?
  15. blackvr

    4g64 hydraulic rocker arms

    yes... How many ?
  16. blackvr

    E85worth the hassle ??

    Absolute no brainer.... I've been running it for 10 years in a variety of turbo cars... you will never go back !
  17. blackvr

    WTB: RVR Turbo TD04 15g & Non-cast manifold

    I have a TD05-15g turbo here at Holden Hill, and a TD04-13G
  18. blackvr

    Evo 4-9 RS LSD Rear Drive Shafts

    I have a pair of brand new RS shafts... however, they are in Adelaide