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Community Status Updates
JETGSR → brisvr4
Oct 12 2010 11:39 AM
robevo → K33P_UP
Hey mate , Im so sorry as I just checked my pms(im a slackass)
Oct 11 2010 08:29 PM
b05c0 → vonga
this weekends ok? can you send me your address to 0433138161? cheers
Oct 07 2010 12:45 PM
b05c0 → vonga
hi, so? is bov hose still available?
willing to pick up or if you can post it up to me, it would be great.
Oct 07 2010 10:11 AM
willing to pick up or if you can post it up to me, it would be great.
JETGSR → brisvr4
it's 3 am and still no joy! 2 hours and he still hasn't worked out a price! So ask for nate and he knows the deal! bail him up for some free lanyards!! i couldnt get through with phone so i did it via AIM messaging.
Oct 05 2010 05:13 PM
that is the guy i bought the knock sensor from!
he will need your bore size to tune the knock freq.
Oct 05 2010 05:06 AM
that is the guy i bought the knock sensor from!
he will need your bore size to tune the knock freq.
ozyvr4 → Turbo nutter
Sorry about late reply champ. Its good your machine is going again.
Oct 03 2010 10:07 AM