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ozyvr4 → murray
Posted today mate. There is all the parts needed.
There is the piiow tops, top nut & spacers.
Aug 16 2010 08:27 AM
There is the piiow tops, top nut & spacers.
hi Murray
I wish it was my car mate; but it is a works one from early WRC days circa 1990. I will try find the original copy I have for you though.
cheers Brett
Aug 15 2010 11:49 PM
I wish it was my car mate; but it is a works one from early WRC days circa 1990. I will try find the original copy I have for you though.
cheers Brett
murray → brettu26
g'day mate
can u send me a large pic of your rally car as i like the look and i might do something simlar to mine, if that is ok.
thanks murray
Aug 15 2010 03:34 AM
can u send me a large pic of your rally car as i like the look and i might do something simlar to mine, if that is ok.
thanks murray
ozyvr4 → 90xsi
Hi there mate. I just bought 1 brand new for a mates car for $565 US + $120 to ship.
Give them a email.
Email - [email protected] tell him I referred you.
Aug 13 2010 12:49 AM
Give them a email.
Email - [email protected] tell him I referred you.
ozyvr4 → vuonguz
Hi there mate. I just bought 1 brand new for a mates car for $565 US + $120 to ship.
Give them a email.
Email - [email protected] tell him I referred you.
Aug 13 2010 12:45 AM
Give them a email.
Email - [email protected] tell him I referred you.
swenton → ozyvr4
my address is 50 McDougall Street Geelong West Vic 3218 and my email is [email protected] if you could send a pic to that cheers. Also I'm going to Bali tomorrow night for a week so if possible I can transfer funds either paypal or direct deposit before I leave. Hear from you soon thanks
Aug 12 2010 01:52 AM
swenton → ozyvr4
hey mate its brad I sent you text re. turbo. been looking for one of these for a while!
Aug 11 2010 11:52 PM
Qik-1.8 → ozyvr4
hey mate hows things, just wondering who is doing the fabrication for the cooler piping and exhaust
Aug 11 2010 12:55 PM
Just gave the 4g63t (in the RVR HSGR) the final once-over, and it looks (and sounds) good... An enthusiast and his money are soon parted...
Aug 11 2010 04:34 AM