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progkamol → defibros
Yes the turbo is pretty much a bolt on upgrade to the GSRs. From memory, it will bolt on to the standrad manifold. Great upgrade which cost very little and gain alot that many GSRs owner do. You might also wanna set it up on boost controller to set it up on 1 bar or so.
Tuning is not necessary but I always do tuned my car each time I have added new mods on to it. Just to make sure I got the most out of the mods.
Let me know if you have any other question ;)
Feb 17 2010 05:29 PM
THE411 → wilbagsr
Is it bolt in? and does it go through the dash or around it? can you please send pics to [EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL] Thanks Justin
Jan 28 2010 03:32 AM
BYBY5L → evopowa
hey bud, did you have the guards, pm me with a number an ill call ya, thanks jamie
Jan 26 2010 08:00 AM
PSIfer → jerome266
G'day Jerome,
Is the your white VR4 in your profile album the one your brother painted for you? You mentioned he did good work and we should check out your car as an example.
Jan 07 2010 06:39 AM
could sumone tell me how to put a picture of my car next to my profiile?
Dec 07 2009 06:57 AM
im selling an evo 9 spoiler. the spoiler is an exact replica and is made of fibreglass. the middle part is painted black and the sides are red. will have a few pics soon. please let me know if you're interested.
Nov 17 2009 02:50 AM
antmang → dvscoupe
Oct 29 2009 07:41 AM
oh yeah, one the mlr forum i saw a service bulletin for that happening, to all early evos and some mid gen ones as well, hopfully my e 2 ones are safe but if not then i will just have to upgrade them
Oct 11 2009 04:51 PM