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YellowEvo1 → KevinEVOII
hey i live in winnipeg manitoba, all the seats are the same as dodge colt or mirage stuff. my back rest ripped out of the bottom fram were you sit.
Oct 11 2009 04:42 PM
CLuTZ → wanged
hey mate, welcome to the club. can you put your location in your profile for us please. cheers!
Oct 06 2009 10:42 AM
I'm over the hate lol
Head off so time to source some rods & pistons to drop in there :P
Oct 04 2009 11:38 PM
KevinEVOII → YellowEvo1
hey man, where about in canad do u live, and also there as tsb for the seats hey, for exactly what happend to yours, dont you wish mitsu could do out standing recalls over seas,
Oct 03 2009 03:48 AM
I hate my car and it will be sold off after the head gasket, valve stem seals and turbo are all replaced
Sep 29 2009 11:49 PM
BYBY5L → dvscoupe
hey dion, are ya still keen on the spoiler?? happy 2 hold for ya as i know ur situation, but havnt seen any money go in for a deposit, anyway drop me a line or buzz me, thanks, Jamie
Sep 08 2009 02:29 PM
can anyone tell me if there is a after market air flow meter that can replace the old 1 on a starion
Aug 20 2009 04:09 AM