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and also can you hook me up with the powercoater as well..plan to powercoating my rims. cheers
Aug 13 2009 03:06 AM


Hi Mate, can you still get cheap Viper Alarm???
Aug 13 2009 01:59 AM


Nick, Is it a used clutch? or new clutch? Brand?
Aug 10 2009 03:00 PM

cairns d j

Hi went on my fisrt car club drive in the weekend.Must say it was better than i thought it would have been.well done to all.i had a great day thanks. thanks to the guys well done c u later darryl
Aug 08 2009 09:06 PM


write back mate come on........... i didnt upset you did i? the boys at work are lovin this shit your writing
Jul 06 2009 02:41 AM


hey mate can u please ring me or msg me on 0433552705 i urgently need this manifold.
Jun 30 2009 06:02 AM

The Godfather → vonga

man you need to hurry up and mail me the rest of my shit, i need the wiring for the mirrors like 2 months ago man...
Jun 27 2009 11:20 PM


I had some parts made up and had to drop the rear subframe etc. Then I welded the new fabricated knuckles @ Springy Motors while I was doing the diff install also. Alot of work. Took a day - 2 ppl to do. As for 4ws lines, they have the be removed and plugged at the steering rack. Also the power steering bottle has to be plugged also. Messy job.
Jun 05 2009 06:11 AM


was it hard man u pull the 4ws pump out all the lines what about the arms can u get lock arms or a kit or something how did u do yours? it time to pull mine out i think the thing will handle betta more when ur moving fast in to a corner or out of one arse end feels like it wants to slide out lol, never noticed it when car was stock but now is another story,
Jun 04 2009 01:44 PM


hay man have u removed ur 4WS?
Jun 03 2009 02:27 PM


Welcome Jack! Glad to see you made it here!- Dane
May 28 2009 10:56 AM


Hey guys i'm chasing a set of evo 9 seats for my 06 lancer. Any ideas where i can get them and if they would fit in the lancer es without any olterations? Cheers
Apr 17 2009 09:43 AM


hahh u r a junior hi cuz sta ima so what r u up 2 how is silver t----
Mar 14 2009 11:38 AM