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Register now to gain access to all of our features. Once registered and logged in, you will be able to create topics, post replies to existing threads, give reputation to your fellow members, get your own private messenger, post status updates, manage your profile and so much more. If you already have an account, login here - otherwise create an account for free today!
Community Status Updates
andy's-galant → inDEBT
hey mate this is andy, i bought the fmic of ya, just wondering by any chance if u have a spare aspec ecu i can borrow for a week? thanks andy
Jan 12 2009 02:34 AM
FLIBYUGSR → cblancergsr
hey matem heres my msn
maybe you can point me in the right direction on a couple problems i have
[email][email protected][/email]
Dec 28 2008 09:52 AM
jerome266 → mumble
Hey dude
Welcome to the site...
Post your info n say hi everyone in
the introductions thread
POst some pics of ur ride too looks like a nice vr4
jspec is it?
Dec 22 2008 10:57 PM
Need your rims repaired or painted then visit [URL]http://www.colorurmags.com.au[/URL] and find out more.
Nov 17 2008 11:55 AM
Oct 01 2008 09:59 AM
Hi Guys and Girls,
Im a new to team4g and would like to devolpe some good relationships on here.
I am promoting the all new Ralliart Lancer 4wd Turbo which is just around the corner. This is going to be afordable and packs most of the Evo X running gear. For anyone that is intrested in the Ralliart Lancer please feel free to contact me. I will be holding a launch day by invitation only so send your inquires today.
Hope to hear back
Preston Motors Ralliart
[EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL]
Oct 01 2008 12:44 AM
gsrevo3 → Skuz
hey dude hows everything going im in UK:)
if possible give me an update:)
hope everything well
Sep 28 2008 04:05 PM
Liberoz → Skuz
I've been writing since 83 and still piece at 3 pieces a year just to keep the finger from twitching;
Aug 01 2008 08:27 AM