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vr4goleta → K33P_UP
Hey bud,
I really love your car, and was hoping you were free for a wedding on Saturday the 25th Sep. Im willing to give you some money for fuel or buy you a carton of beer for your troubles. It will just be three of us picked up from Crestmead and taken to burbank, then just stick around for a short time for photos.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could help. Chee...
Sep 03 2010 10:57 AM
I really love your car, and was hoping you were free for a wedding on Saturday the 25th Sep. Im willing to give you some money for fuel or buy you a carton of beer for your troubles. It will just be three of us picked up from Crestmead and taken to burbank, then just stick around for a short time for photos.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could help. Chee...