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Car Imported from Japan to Canada
Car: 1992 Mistubishi Evolution 1
Kilometers: 110,000 km
Trim: GSR
Color: Red
Vin: CD9A-0002697
Aftermarket: HKS Suction Kit
HKS High Power Exhaust
EBC Brake Pads F+R
Cusco Brake Master Cylinder Brace
Cusco Strut Brace F+R
KYB SR Spec Struts F+R
RSR Springs F+R
Nov 26 2010 07:42 AM
Car: 1992 Mistubishi Evolution 1
Kilometers: 110,000 km
Trim: GSR
Color: Red
Vin: CD9A-0002697
Aftermarket: HKS Suction Kit
HKS High Power Exhaust
EBC Brake Pads F+R
Cusco Brake Master Cylinder Brace
Cusco Strut Brace F+R
KYB SR Spec Struts F+R
RSR Springs F+R