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  1. B

    Ignition on keeps toggling in on position.

    So I have Ecmlink connected to log/diagnose a no-start, the key is in the on position and constantly switching between on and off (1-0), starter is fine, another thing to mention is the tacho bounces due to the coils firing randomly after I've tried to start it. I'm currently going though the...
  2. G

    Firing on 2 cyl - Crank angle/Top-Dead-Centre sensor troubleshooting

    Hi guys, My '93 Lancer GSR doesn't fire on two of the cylinders (2,3) and also won't start. I ruled out the following: - Fuel pump failure - Coil Pack failure (bought a replacement one and same problem) Checked the resistance on the coils and this was in range (12kOhm), so no shorted turns or...