Well-Known Member
Hey guys got a 4g63t motor buyer has told me its a forged bottom end but neva gave me recipts but bought the car with low compression from what the previous owner said, now i had my friend do a compression test and each cylinder came to 70psi each one!.... now what does that mean ?? pistons are fine and valves are bent?? just need some ideas guys......
its running a microtech computer, car use to turn over but never reved over 1rpm sounded like it was choking and only time it would stay on is if i had the throttle all the way down and if id let go it would turn off....
its running a microtech computer, car use to turn over but never reved over 1rpm sounded like it was choking and only time it would stay on is if i had the throttle all the way down and if id let go it would turn off....