4g93 mods.... or Evo conversion???


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Nov 8, 2005
Mordialloc, Melbourne
Ok guys, a slightly different spin a question youve heard a 1000 times before.

My car is an oz GSR rallycar. Under PRC rules, if i keep it a gsr i cant change the turbo or intercooler(legally 8) ) these being obvious 1st mods.
It currently only has a unifilter pod, 14 psi, and a motec which is mainly needed to get around running 34mm restrictor in the turbo.

So, on a budget of some sort, what would you do to get the best out of the current standard set up?

Where would you start & what order would you do things?
Brakes and suspension are sorted.

Or do i bite the bullet, blow my cash, and do a evo3 conversion, which again by the rules, would have to be complete, as in engine, turbo(& new restrictor?), i/cooler and all body panels.

I need to do a evo gearbox coversion anyway unless i get a fair bit more power out of it and i need to do lsd's too.

So it looks like:
Some low cost mods=more power=happy enough=go have fun.
buy a evo 1/2 cut+lots of work+lots of $$$=real happy with car but no $$$ left to compete for another year= :evil:

for the price, id say it just be better to buy a whole new car, we only paid 19k so they are cheap!.. there is that evo 1 for 18 at the moment..

Honestly with an evo convrsion you probably wont make more then 160kw with restrictors and a homligated motor. Your best bet woulod be to hiflow the gsr turbo with a TD05H-14b wheel or even got a small 15g wheel.. this would give better benefits and to the naked eye looks stillf actory.

When going to evo parts you will be up for more panels if you have an off at an event. Guards are around 250 each, then a front bar depending on which model evo could set you back anywhere between 3-600.. not to mention an evo bonnet is probably around the 800 mark.. so imagine if you had a massive off and a front hit.. would mean you could be up for around 2k worth of parts not including paint work etc...

Good thing about a gsr is that the parts off a normal lancer will work.. panels are soo cheap and easy to come by..

If it was up to me this it what i would do:

- hi flow stock turbo
- upgrade actuator (1.4 bar)
- install cam gears
- port/upgrade to 60mm throttle body
- install RS drivetrain

There is a new site just for GSR guys ie: 1.8litre. http://www.4g93t.net
Its only starting but the users of this site are sure to be able to get some ideas flowing....
In my opinion you would be much better off $$$ wise sticking with the GSR!!
Are you allowed to change motor internals? Try http://www.rpw.com.au/
they are from what I have been able to find one the few suppliers of off the shelf upgrade parts for this car, even somthing like a short shifter may make your drive more fun!?!
Velocity Racing said:
for the price, id say it just be better to buy a whole new car, we only paid 19k so they are cheap!.. there is that evo 1 for 18 at the moment..

I think if i sold my car the missus would get her claws into the cash before i could buy another one :lol: But a few hundy here and there she doesnt miss :wink:
"JSTYLE" said:

Honestly with an evo convrsion you probably wont make more then 160kw with restrictors and a homligated motor. Your best bet woulod be to hiflow the gsr turbo with a TD05H-14b wheel or even got a small 15g wheel..
Can you tell me more about this? Do you recommend anyone?

When going to evo parts you will be up for more panels if you have an off at an event.

Good thing about a gsr is that the parts off a normal lancer will work.. panels are soo cheap and easy to come by..

Yeah, i realise its not just the initial conversion. It would get expensive real quick if you decide to unexpectedly park it firmly against a tree :lol:

If it was up to me this it what i would do:
- hi flow stock turbo
- upgrade actuator (1.4 bar)
- install cam gears
- port/upgrade to 60mm throttle body
- install RS drivetrain

Whats the benefit of cam gears with standard cams?
bazeng said:
but the problem is the crappy little intercooler ...

mmmm.. yeah. Had though about just doing an factory evo one and seeing if anyone notices :lol:

or a secret lil waterspray set up :wink:

or moving it so better positioned in the front/side air vent of the bumper, they are 1/2 hidden as is :shock:

All slightly illegal though :roll:
"Richard" said:
There is a new site just for GSR guys ie: 1.8litre. http://www.4g93t.net
Had already been poking round there and will ask the same question. Seems the kiwis are pretty into the '93's. Sweet aye bro :lol:

In my opinion you would be much better off $$$ wise sticking with the GSR!!

Yeah agreed, & i think i'll have to.

Are you allowed to change motor internals?

You can more or less do want you want internally, but this get friggin expensive!