Can anyone shed light on what might be the casue of this.
my ABS light came on this morning, so i shut the car down again and restarted it. (this has worked once before - as per owners manual).
not this time though!
even once the car is shut off and the key is out, the ABD module is 'whirring' away. its an electric motor sound. I can only stop it by disconnecting the battery. but it doesnt reset even after a few hrs.
ABS fuses appear ok at first glimpse, pretty sure brake fluid is ok; i only checked it last week.
thoughts & suggestions please guys
thanks Brett
my ABS light came on this morning, so i shut the car down again and restarted it. (this has worked once before - as per owners manual).
not this time though!
even once the car is shut off and the key is out, the ABD module is 'whirring' away. its an electric motor sound. I can only stop it by disconnecting the battery. but it doesnt reset even after a few hrs.
ABS fuses appear ok at first glimpse, pretty sure brake fluid is ok; i only checked it last week.
thoughts & suggestions please guys
thanks Brett