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So I took my CC GSR for a 1000km drive and at about the 700km mark while slowing to drive through a town everything was fine until I hit the 100km/hr sign and started to accelerate the car didnt want to go, it jerking and coughed abit then struggled to 100km/hr. It was fine until I hit boost at about 3000rpm then it didnt like it at all. I thought I might have had some dodgy fuel from a 1 horse town ( Shell V Power which I always run ), I was at about 1/4 tank so at the next town I filled up with BP Ultimate and all seemed well for about 30mins until I went to overtake a truck then the coughing started again. Car runs perfect in 5th at 100km/hr at 3300rpm, but when you want to accelerate it really feels like its struggling. Any Ideas boffins?? .. btw I was running the stock GSR ecu, then changed it after I filled up at BP with a MEEk tuned ecu that I run always, and ran fine..seemed very inconsistent minute feel fine, then slow down to 60 for a town then ran like crap till 100km/hr then smooth?? Oil Changed 3000km ago, Spark Plugs done 3000km ago, ODO 193000km