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Apr 25, 2009
Has anyone used one of these?
I do a few track days at Queensland Raceway an its notorious for picking up bearings because of all the right hand turns (oil all goes to one side of sump)
Looking at the sump set up in the 63 t i cant see it being a problem really as all the oil is going to the side the pick up is on, but thought id ask if anyone runs one an what there thoughts are?
Doubt you would have much of a problem as there is only 2 short lefts, not really enough time for the pickup to get air. Do you log oil pressure?
Doubt you would have much of a problem as there is only 2 short lefts, not really enough time for the pickup to get air. Do you log oil pressure?

Ive got a Haltec E6X but have never plugged my laptop into it as i have no farken idea what im doin in there, can i even check it through the computer?
I have had plenty of experience with the moroso version of the accusump.
Its good for pre start pressure and as a very last resort to save your engine, I wouldnt use it for the purpose your tinking though,.

Your much better off getting a good sump, if you have a 6 bolt engine you can get them from moroso.
Or RACEFAB in NZ make nice ones which is what I have, its extended woth trap doors etc... nice bit of gear,
If its off maybe a crank scraper and extra windage tray too.
Are 6 & 7 bolt sumps different?
The one im building is a seven bolt. looked on Morosso's website an couldnt find anything