any ideas what this turbo is?


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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2005
St Kilda
hey guys,
as above, any ideas what this turbo is? I thought it looked a bit like the Evo III 16G comp wheel, but I'm not sure...

Mat :)
The number on the turbo says 49178 01470, I'm pretty sure, if so it's an E3 16g.

It's definitley a "g" though, because it has a big-small compressor blade thing, whereas the "b" has small-small
Definitely a EVO 3 Big 16G dude... dead giveaway with the "470" on the compressor housing and the wheel design. Now boost it bro, they're good for up to 380HP :twisted:
one less thing for me to fork out cash on!
the receipt for the turbo states "high flow and recondition" i might have to check the exhaust housing and make sure it is an 070 one, but i wouldnt think they'd convert the front for Evo III and leave the rear housing as it was, it'd be easier to whack a whole new turbo on.
now all i have to do is fix the stupid farked intercooler pipe and have a bit of fun! :D

if they built it as an 060 and a evo 3 front, just look for an 070 rear and an evo manifold, and thats it!!!

or get a SBR big manifold and a 070 exhaust housing...

nice pic btw!..
when did u take that?