SIVART CE9A-0000001 Joined Jun 14, 2005 Messages 4,959 Location Melbourne Oct 1, 2006 #21 Jamies should be awsome.....cant wait you where getting a great launch tufrice maybe change the gearbox oil (Castrol VMX80) and see if it works
Jamies should be awsome.....cant wait you where getting a great launch tufrice maybe change the gearbox oil (Castrol VMX80) and see if it works
tUfRiCe Well-Known Member Joined May 11, 2006 Messages 1,157 Location Melbourne's West Oct 1, 2006 #22 yeh i was havin a great time getting off the line it was heaps of fun...ah well i think im done racing if theres something up with my box though (rich Mans sport) ill change the oil this week an see how we go....
yeh i was havin a great time getting off the line it was heaps of fun...ah well i think im done racing if theres something up with my box though (rich Mans sport) ill change the oil this week an see how we go....