I have wondered about that too, the fact that you are heating up the perimeter of the disc more-so than further towards the centre, but the 330 mm GTO discs use the same pad as the vr4, evo 1-3 and awd magnas do, so I don't think it would matter as much.
Another thing, as you are grabbing the disc further away from the centre, the lever you have on the disc is greater and therefore, less pressure (and therefore less heat) should be needed to effect the same amount of breaking force......but, then, because the speed of the disc face going past the pad has increased as it is further away from the centre, does the increased speed combined with less pressure on the pads give you the same amount of heat anyway? :shock:
I could not find the right people to tell me the correct answers to these things.
Maybe, just wait till Bazeng has tested his system and go for that.
Or, just do what I ended up doing, throw some ferocious pads in with standard slotted rotors and run around on 15" wheels so the brakes don't look too small