hey my GSR Galant Cruise controll works perfect,
push the button to set speed
flick forward to + speed
Push button to - speed
Flick Backwards to turn off the cruise (Master switch and spring back switch also has a light to tell you when it on )
all you need is the linkages, controll unit under the dash, electonic servo, the wires and change the wiper stalk arm with one with the extra switches
you cant beat the stock Cruise controlls as there cycle for diagnostics ie:set speed-> check speed-> increase/decrease speed-> check speed etc, are hell of a lot faster then the ones you can buy off the shelf. you will find that the ones you can buy off the shelf and install your self are choppy and you can actually feel the the car going through the cycle.......
any way round it still good to have on long drives......
its also possible to use the original stalk and put an after market cruise controll but it would be alot of re wiring and its just easy to bolt on original accesories rather then fabricate new ones........