Okeyday, got my $h&ts on about my 3 billion $ machining costs and my revenge wish upon the complete (worst word you've ever heard a drunk sailor utter after learning his D*^k will explode after having a three some with a midget clown and a goat while your mum posted it on youtube) who sold me the anchor that passed as an Evo 3 engine, so I made my own ball joint press for just about anything. It took about15 mins to complete, works like a charm, willing to travel and or accept visitors who are willing to pay in wine (cab sav, shiraz) or beer, spirits, flame grilled T-bone steak etc. There is not much that can be done to a car that I can't do, and I'm not exaggerating, you want me to have the thing text you while putting 5000 volts through the door handles and make everything smell like pork crackle? Well, to be honest you need to seek help, but I am good at welding and electronic stuff. Here are the pics, not painted, not wire brushed just a working prototype.