Boosting issue


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MDK87 said:
Did you end up finding the source of your troubles?
Not yet, haven't had time to look at it.

I will re plumb it as per Suggested and also I reread the instructions and in fine print under the internal gate diagram it says 'for external waste gate switch ports 1 and 3 on the solenoid. So i will plumb it as:

From nipple on front cover to port 1 on solenoid, port 2 on solenoid to bottom waste gate port. Port 3 on the solenoid is vented or returned to intake and top port of waste gate is also vented or returned to intake. For an internal waste gate it asks for port 3 to be connected to the front cover and port 1 is vented. Why would that be? Do internal and external waste gate work differently?

Hopefully I will be able to have a fiddle on Saturday and then I'll be all good.
MDK87 said:
Did you end up finding the source of your troubles?

Re plumbing the waste gate and boost solenoid has fixed the oscillation issue. Thanks for all who had an input for that.

Now I have sorted the oscillation I can't boost higher than 6psi.

I will do a boost leak test again just to be sure, the other thing that maybe the issue is the ebc settings, might have to adjust the gain etc to achieve a higher boost.

The other thing that I thought might have been the problem is, I did what Brian said and blew through the solenoid.

When it's not connected to power port 3 flows through to port 2 and port 1 is blocked.
When I touch the wires to 12v port 1 flows through to port 2 and port 3 is blocked.

Now the ebc instructions say if it's internally gated run the turbo inlet nipple to port 3 and port 2 to waste gate actuator, port 1 in vented, and if externally gated run the turbo inlet nipple to port 1 and port 2 to waste gate bottom port, port 3 is vented. Which basically swaps port 3 for port 1.

This is what Brian said:

Example, disconnect hoses from valve. turn on ignition. Blow into the port. Write down which ports are linked. Activate valve (software or hard wire) blow though, it should change. You should have one common port. This goes to your turbo pipe. The normally open (first test) goes to your top. The 2nd when activated goes to free air.

So when not activated it goes to your gate. When activated it bleeds to atmosphere.

It seems my instructions say the common port goes to the waste gate but that sounds backwards from what Brian recommended.

So really going off of my test and what Brian suggested I should have port 2 connected to the turbo inlet nipple and port 1 runs through to the waste gate ( top or bottom port?) and port 3 is vented so when the ebc starts working it will bleed off the pressure and hold the gate shut?

Does that sound right?

I guess it depends also whether the ebc supplies power when the car is started and takes it away when it starts working or vice versa, I'll go turn the ignition on and see if there is power there straight away
Ian91 said:
I guess it depends also whether the ebc supplies power when the car is started and takes it away when it starts working or vice versa, I'll go turn the ignition on and see if there is power there straight away
There is 12v there with ignition on so that means port 1 is flowing to port 2 as soon as the car is started. Then when the ebc starts using the solenoid it is joining port 2 and 3 which would do nothing because port 3 is vented and port 2 is attached to the waste gate.

So going off of that port 2 should go to the front cover nipple and port 1 should go to the waste gate then port 3 would bleed the pressure when the ebc kicks in, yes?
boost reference signal goes to the common port the port that the other 2 switched ones connect too. so that it can switch between venting away and pressurizing the waste-gate
leadfoot said:
boost reference signal goes to the common port the port that the other 2 switched ones connect too. so that it can switch between venting away and pressurizing the waste-gate
Yep so the instructions are wrong, means that's probly why I could never get higher than gate pressure on my old td04 lol
Just another question about this, if I plumbed the vented port to the top of the waste gate would that help more to stop the gate opening? Because it would put pressure above the diaphragm.

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