Brake shudder


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Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2013
I upgraded the front brakes to EVO1 ones recently, and fitted EBC redstuff pads, now I am not so sure if this choice of pads was a good move. Problem is that I have brake shudder from the front wheels; I had the front rotors machined but the shudder is back.

From some of the reading I have done, and talking to a brake specialist, it seems that part of the problem may be these pads with my driving style. I'm not hard on the brakes so don't really work them, the only workout they get is coming down the hill in the morning. I put redstuff on because I want to eventually do some track days, but not with the current shudder!

So, can I fix this by fitting the best possible rotors (eg DBA) with the existing pads and hope to get the bedding in process right? Or should I just accept that I'm not Lewis Hamilton and fit a less racing car pad (such as EBC greenstuff) with new rotors?

I'm interested in what rotors and pads work for other people, from what I have found in the forums RDA are a mixed bag, DBA are good and there is no clear favourite for pads; hoping to get some clues on how to avoid that b....y shudder from other peoples experiences, as I don't seem to have had too much success with this with my attempts to date.
I'm running yellow stuff which are listed as being a race only pad and I don't have any issues with them heating up nor shuddering. I only drive my car on weekends and for very short drives so definitely don't allow long amounts of time for them to heat up.
Sounds like there might be another issue, does your pedal go hard when they shudder? Might have a dirty abs sensor...
Hey man, sounds like ya keep warping ya discs, are they std rotors?
I went with dba slotted rotors and used bendix pads because I previously warped a set of rda's, was using ebc reds on those,
I'd imagine rda are better now but personally I buy dba, at least I know what im getting
project mu have some great pads available for your car. from my experience with them and ebc they **** all over the ebc pads.if your heading for the track bin your factory rotors and get some decent slotted ones
evo-gsr said:
I would get a decent set of rotors to begin with and go from there.
Yep, looks like I will be doing this, I can't afford to chuck away near new pads... (though I wish I could afford to experiment)

BYBY5L said:
Hey man, sounds like ya keep warping ya discs, are they std rotors?
I went with dba slotted rotors and used bendix pads because I previously warped a set of rda's, was using ebc reds on those,
I'd imagine rda are better now but personally I buy dba, at least I know what im getting
Yep, chasing up some DBA's, hopefully will fit them next week.

Re "Sounds like there might be another issue, does your pedal go hard when they shudder? Might have a dirty abs sensor..."

No, almost no shudder when cold, only when I get some heat into them that the problems start. I don't believe it is the ABS as I have played around with that, chasing G-force sensor issues.

Re "...bin your factory rotors and get some decent slotted ones."

Yes, these came with the EVO1 calipers, they may not be the right rotor with the type of pad I'm running, plus they have been machined once already, so yes, they will be binned.