Bus freight?


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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2008
Hey guys,

Just wondering if anybody knows who does bus freight?

Am looking to have an exhaust and turbo sent up from melbourne, and am not sure who I can get such items sent up through. Apparently bus freight is an option?

I only used bus freight once bringing in seats from Adleaide to NSW. My seats were shoved god knows where and the bulster cushioning was damaged and squashed on one of the seats when it arrived :( Had to get them fixed by an upholsterer. Apart from that it worked out good price wise adn delivery wise. I suppose if you're transporting a product that cant get damaged when packed up or packed onto then there's no problem.
EVO-00X said:
I only used bus freight once bringing in seats from Adleaide to NSW. My seats were shoved god knows where and the bulster cushioning was damaged and squashed on one of the seats when it arrived :( Had to get them fixed by an upholsterer. Apart from that it worked out good price wise adn delivery wise. I suppose if you're transporting a product that cant get damaged when packed up or packed onto then there's no problem.

Yep, sounds like the guys that packed your seats did a crap job of it.

I've sent wheels and a bike via Greyhound Freight a fair few times now and have never had a problem. Reasonably priced and fast as..
Thanks for that guys. Much help.

Might only cost me bout $35 to get exhaust freighted melbourne to sydney :)
not bad.. another freight company i would suggest trying is pickering transport (ptg.com i think) they are ruraly based in victoria but they run melb/syd/bris/adel and quite a few regional centres very regularly.. looking at around $60 a pallet between the nearest major city.. prolly not alot of help for exhaust but in other cases like engines it can be very cheap :)
good point... pickerings are only cheap depot to depot... they do local deliveries but the sting hard for that!
i would say greyhound. took em not even 24 hours to get my wheels from adelaide depot to my door and postage was under $100
fast and wel priced = a win in my books