Caler Park - This is the end!!!!!


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Nothing Under 35psi!
Jun 8, 2005
Taken from Fullboost

To All Competition Car Competitors,

Due to the lack of entries in Competition Cars over the last several weeks, as of and including Friday 1 February 2008, regretfully Competition Cars will not, until further notice, be eligible to enter into competition for the Friday night Legal Off Street Drags.

Should the Competition Car community wish to return in greater numbers to Calder Park, we would be happy to accommodate them at some future time?

We thank all Competition Car competitors for their support provided towards Calder Park in the past years.

Yours sincerely,

Australian Motorsport Club
At Calder Park Raceway
Not really, numbers have been fairly low past couple of months.

I wouldnt pay $25 to see cars with dropped pipes running 14z.

Bob Jane is a ******* twit and has ruined drag racing in Melbourne which has lead to all the top cars either not racing in Melb or going to Heathcote for a track that is of a better standard (meaning a prepped track)

what a **** tard.. ofcourse comp cars arent going to pay like $140 odd to race.. like grow up and look at the big world.. they can race at heathcote for $40 and probably costs like $80 to drive there and bak.. and they can probably get lunch with the rest of the money!!!!!!

what tossers

Yeah there's already another thread on this somewhere~>

With the way its going- its going to be shut down for good.

The government and police should step in and do something!!

IMO changing it to a Wednesday night, and lowering the cost to race AND spectate, and they place would be packed EVERY week
from what i have been told mr bob jane is building another drag strip i belive he is to rebuild the hole complex as i guess he wants to make money again

ohhh i miss the days of the jet cars and top fuelers at caldr
Why do u think Wednesday would be popular?

Many people who have an early start would probably not go, but I guess others don't want to spend their Friday nights there either.

Personally i wouldn't go to Wed night drags very often.

They once trialled Sundays, which I thought was good, they gave it 2 weeks and went straight back to Fridays, they didn't stick with it long enough.

Its a very strong rumor that Calder park was given somewhere between 9 and 12 million dollars recently to refurbish the place :roll:
OFFON-4 said:
I envy Willowbank and WSID....
WSID is a great complex, but the management leaves a lot to be desired. Still, the problems are no where near what you guys have !

Willowbank has it right, open twice a week for T&Ts, staff that actually care about track prep and great facilities.

I've often considered moving to QLD .. and willowbank is one of the big reasons .. :oops: :lol:
peasoup said:
Why do u think Wednesday would be popular?

Many people who have an early start would probably not go, but I guess others don't want to spend their Friday nights there either.

Personally i wouldn't go to Wed night drags very often.

They once trialled Sundays, which I thought was good, they gave it 2 weeks and went straight back to Fridays, they didn't stick with it long enough.

Its a very strong rumor that Calder park was given somewhere between 9 and 12 million dollars recently to refurbish the place :roll:

Some people do have lives, and work on the weekend! I know for a fact that if I had a bunch of gals saying "come drink with us dre" and the choice of going to the drags- I know which one i'd choose :wink:

If you start so early that you cant handle going to bed by midnight, then you need to drink more coffee :lol:

Sundays is Heathcote's main day isn't it?? Wednesday just makes sense- I guess thats why WSID and Willowbank do it on that day!?

Friday is just stupid! :lol:
:D NSW boys - Hows this for news! . We recently heard of the go ahead (after 7 years of trying, bitter council disputes in the land and environment court, public meetings, govt beaurocracy, local economy, local services and environmental impact studies) of a venue to be built just north of Newcastle off the Pacific Hwy called the Newcastle Motorplex (1.5 hrs north of Sydney). Its gonna be less than 10 minutes drive from me so I'm happy :twisted: Apparently its going to have a 2.2-2.5km tar circuit, a speedway, skidpan/burnout pad, bike track and a drag strip and they're planning on getting the touring cars + many other events here... maybe even steal Summernats away from crappy Canberra :lol: It was originally planned to be an internatinal drag strip but WSID was built in the meantime ever so quickly (blame that one on the politicians trying to win votes). There's already a decent motorcross track there and a small hillclimb track used by local clubs so it sounds promising. I also read somewhere that its the only privately owned vacant land in the state zoned as "motorsport" yet there was stiff opposition from the Council. The other good news is that its just off the Pacific highway and 15 minutes from the airpoirt and there's no busy city traffic (cough-like Sydney) to contend with. We used to have a couple of speedways here in town and I remember going when I was younger but they shut down leaving motoring enthusiasts in the Hunter without a venue and forced to do a trip down the freeway to Sydney (Parammata) to their speedway or to WSID... Wakefield is a long treck and Oran Park was due to close down last I heard.
MADEVO said:
Thoughts are we need another track!!

I would just be happy with one. Pulling G-Tech runs on highways and freeways is less than ideal....

It just reminds me how **** Adelaide really is...
The motorplex stuff for NSW still has a loooong way to go .. as I understand it, all that win means is that the case is going to be heard rather than being dismissed out of hand.

Still, it's a win, so fingers crossed there'll be a few more for it :)
:) I hope so Steve. There is a strong case for it and the number of those who support it from motoring organisations and the public far outweigh those who oppose it. A lot of the battle has been fought by older blokes at the front line who love motorsport and who have poured a lot of their own time and money into the fulfillment of their dream to have a Motorplex built in the region. They deserve our full support and respect. When the time comes for public feedback I trust that we as the greater car community of Australia offer our 100% support.

IMO we cant afford to see more and more places close down because they are finding it difficult to cope financially on their own because of a dedicated single purpose venue. This is why a motorplex with various tracks can be utilised for various forms of motorsport and events and get use year round which would give it a better chance to survive as a financially stable venue.
CLuTZ said:
peasoup said:
Why do u think Wednesday would be popular?

Many people who have an early start would probably not go, but I guess others don't want to spend their Friday nights there either.

Personally i wouldn't go to Wed night drags very often.

They once trialled Sundays, which I thought was good, they gave it 2 weeks and went straight back to Fridays, they didn't stick with it long enough.

Its a very strong rumor that Calder park was given somewhere between 9 and 12 million dollars recently to refurbish the place :roll:

Some people do have lives, and work on the weekend! I know for a fact that if I had a bunch of gals saying "come drink with us dre" and the choice of going to the drags- I know which one i'd choose :wink:

If you start so early that you cant handle going to bed by midnight, then you need to drink more coffee :lol:

Sundays is Heathcote's main day isn't it?? Wednesday just makes sense- I guess thats why WSID and Willowbank do it on that day!?

Friday is just stupid! :lol:

aslong as we dont have to trek a mile and a half to it all the time wednesday would be ok but being on the otherside of town makes it a bit more harder.