CC GSR Brake upgrade question.


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Underpowered Car
Jun 6, 2006
Ok I have used the search and read a heap of posts all covering basic info and I have learned much BUT.......
I have bought from a wrecker what I was told were ''HG Galant" Twin piston calipers, before I put them on my car I want to put all new seals and dust boots on them so they are "like" new.
What I would like to kno (so the people at the brake shop can get me the right kit not the single piston kit) is, are the KR, KS Verada (ABS), TR, TS Magna (ABS), EVO 1,2,3, and VR4 all the same INTERNALLY as in will a seal kit for one suit them all? Who has done this (rebuilt) calipers? or does everyone just bang em on?
I think so, my understanding was that just the brake line fitting was different, with evo calipers having the banjo fitting, and the others having the screw in fitting ....
To make sure, take a dissassembled calliper and piston in to them for them to measure up, that way, if they stuff up, its their problem, not yours.
Don't think so with the evo 1-3 callipers, but I definately know that the pajero twin spot callipers do have a piston about 1 mm bigger in diameter than the vr4/magna ones.