Central locking on Eterna


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Feb 15, 2010
Aspley Qld
Hey guys,I am wiring an immobiliser into my 89 zr4 eterna and am having a little trouble with the cental locking.The old black widow alarm just used a lock and unlock pulse wires so it was easy to add on to the cental lock relay.But my new one which is just a VGE CL1600 unit,its a cheap unit but its all i need.anyway the problem is that it uses six wires for the cental lock,it has a common power,unlock NC,unlock NO,lock NC,lock NO and an unlock neg pulse.
I tried to hook it up with the original body computer as well ,and it wont work.Tried hooking the normally open and normally closed connections but they didnt seem to work.Obviously i am wrong so i just wanted to know how someone else has hooked theres up if its the same wire setup as mine.
Finally got it sorted,just had to use the built in relay inside the alarm to negatively pulse the eternas central locking.Eg where it says in the instructions to hook up common power to the alarm central locking circuit,you just hook it to earth and then use the normally open lock and normally open unlock wires to connect to the eternas pulse wires.and the unlock common from alarm has to be earthed as well.