Changing headlight globes and installing gauges


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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2006
guys.. the front passenger side light of my car has all this **** around it.. is there an easy way to change light bulbs??

also, i want to get gauges underneath the deck.. how hard is it to install gauges..

the gauges are oil temp, oil pressure, and water temp..

thanks peter
to change the headlight globes is easy. Pull off the rubber seal, and unhook the bulb from the clip. Cleaning the headlight is another story.
yeah i did it in my old cc glxi fine..
ill take a photo off it soon.. i cant be assed walking downstairs atm lol

but yeah.. its got all these things around it.. the drivers side is fine.. just not passenger..

i guess me telling u isnt going to help, ill take a photo soon..
here are the pictures..

see how theres cabling and wires or whatever it is all over it..

i dont even know what they're for..
The 3 wires going to the back of the rubber boot are the headlight wires.

There is a black harness that they are connected to that sits inside the boot, which is connected to the globe.

Pull the harness out and remove the rubber boot.

Now there will be a clip that is holding the globe in. Release the clip and remove the globe. The globe can only fit one way so you wont have any dramas putting the one in.

Hope this helps.
If you can't get it from the back remove the indicator and undo the bolts holding the headlight in and remove the whole unit, replace globes and replace, I did it the other day and althogh awkward can be done in about 5mins from the back.
hm.. if only it was as easy as the glxi.. ill give it a go on the weekend and let u knows of any troubles i get..

thanks for the help guys
man its easy. Takes a few mins max.

Pull off the rubber cover, unhook the clip, slide out the globe. If you got a gsr manual it tells you how. I could photocopy it i guess.
done mine this morning but found the connector is all corroded and it crumbled got it all wired up and stuff thanks to some magic duct tape lol...

anyone know where i can get another one from? or anyone has a spare one? they dont need?