Clutch help needed.


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Nov 8, 2005
Mordialloc, Melbourne
Hi gang,

My clutch pedal is not releasing fully. When you change gears and let the clutch out it releases enough to engage fully and doesnt slip, but the pedal doesnt return fully. Some of the time, once you back off the power, it will then spring up. Otherwise you have to hook it back up with your foot.

Got a rally on next weekend and need to sort this asap.

Any ideas?, is this a common problem?

Any recommendations on someone who could do the work asap pref in south/east suburbs.
OFFON-4 said:
Check slave cyl
Check the clutch pedal bracket, might be cracked

Thats all i can think of :D

check leaky clutch line
bleed clutch line
top up fluid?
maybe something to do with the pivot ball.

Yeah similar thing happened to mine.

I got a needle sized hole in the rubber hose from the master cyl to the steel hose. It leaked out when the pedal was pressed causing the clutch to slowly engage until it ran out of fluid.

I would check that hose (look for puddles of brake/clutch fluid on top of the gearbox).

The slave cyl could also be causing you similar problems if it is old and getting corrosion on the shaft, or worn rubber seal (meaning dirt has got in).

Perhaps try a clutch system flush, or better still as it is an event, replace the master and slave cylinder and that rubber hose. Better to be safe than sorry especially if you have outlayed money for a rally.

Pretty simple job to replace the stuff yourself, just need a hand to bleed the system once its all connected.

Ok flushed sytem, put a kit thru master cyl and lubed up return spring and all seems fine.

Panic over :wink: yeah i get a bit anxious before an event :oops:

Still need to go over the car & do a few bits n pieces should all be pretty cool.
