Collingwood ghetto robbery yo!


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Dec 23, 2005
my old man just got home form collingwood (some meeting) and he drove my GSR. He parked the car, meeting hadnt started yet, went for a little stroll. came back like 5 mins later and someone broke in to it and took his lap top, lifted the speaker grill on the passenger side but didnt touch the speakers, didnt touch the dvd player or screen, didnt touch the APEXI RSM, didnt touch about 6 DVD's sitting on the seat and locked they locked the doors when they left.

WTF!!!!!?????!!???? does that make any sense
the laptop was sitting on the floor in the passenger footwell so it wasnt exactly in plain sight and not well light

dont many anysense to me, just thought i would share lol
Someone wanted a computer.

A lot of theives will only steal what they can sell or what they need. Not much use for car speakers or rsm's if you don't have tools to cut them out.
the dvd player isnt even bolted in, u can litterally just grab it and pull it out, no toold required, u would think they would atleast give it a yank, considering they lifted the grill and checked the speakers
a lot of new stereo equipment is anti theft. Everything from eclipse is locked down the moment you disconnect the permanent... plus when you buy it it's all registered in your name.
oh i totally agree, hes an idiot for leaving it there

they popped the lock outta the passenger side door and opened it