Conspiracy Theory Top 10


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GTi Driver
Mar 2, 2009
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The United States Shadow Government
2.60% of all votes

A little-publicised executive order during the Reagan administration created the National Program Office which established a secret national security team outside the traditional branches of the government. This new agency with a reported multi-billion dollar budget was headed up by covert operations loyalist Oliver North, and included then Vice-President George Bush (Sr.), Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld (who was not part of the administration at the time). Long time conspiracy theorists were ultimately not surprised to see key members of this secret national security agency placed in prominent administration positions, and at key "action stations," at the time of the attacks on September 11, 2001.

Soon after the 9/11 attacks, this office was given a degree of legitimacy by the Bush (Jr.) administration and known more broadly as Project 908 or "Continuity Of Government" (COG). Because of their involvement in national security issues, even when not officially in any administration agency, the NPO and later COG has been the target of a great deal of conspiracy speculation ranging from off-the-books covert activity to having total control of the executive branch of the U.S. government.


Controlling Hearts & Minds Through Organized Religion
2.90% of all votes

In the Book of Matthew, Jesus lays out specific instructions, "thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men." This instruction of simple and private spirituality is reflected in the writings of many faiths, but ignored by organized religion.

Martin Luther in the 16th century, with his Ninety-Five Theses, may have been the first well-documented conspiracy theory author. The Christian Reform Movement began from concern over widespread commercial corruption in the Catholic Church. Many in the reformation were burned at the stake for being heretics, but in reality, were initially simply seeking to guide the church back toward the tenets of simple spirituality taught by Jesus.

To this day, the mechanisms used by major organized religions to influence the hearts and minds of followers are a far cry from the teachings that first spawned the faiths. From the suppression of science to the obfuscation of human nature, the attempt to control the actions of the populace have been well-discussed in conspiracy theory circles for centuries.


The Suppression of Alternative And Free Energy Sources
2.99% of all votes

One need only look at the debacle of the EV-1 Electric Car, and how the oil industry and big-auto (at the time) colluded with the government to kill a superior product to understand how similar alternative energy products and ideas have been systematically buried or outright killed. The ruthless oil industry, with government cooperation and sometimes active participation, has been the biggest barrier to the development of alternative energy sources, technologies, and ideas.

Even the father of our technological age, Nikola Tesla, the inventor of alternating current and much more, encountered stiff opposition and suppression of his experiments (which now appear to have been very successful) into "Zero Point Energy," or "free" energy extracted from the fabric of the universe.

And today, given the maturity of known alternative energy technologies, it shouldn't be difficult for the average household to establish nearly complete energy self-sufficiency. However, the barriers in both cost (through suppression efforts) and legal requirements (through government collusion with big-oil) make it nearly impossible.


A Significant Global Catastrophe Will Happen In December, 2012
3.55% of all votes

The ancient Mayans possessed a sophisticated culture with a unique perception of the universe and the role of the planets in cosmic events. Scholars studying the Mayans have found startling accuracy within the Mayan Calendar as it tracked days and weeks in comparison with astronomical data and events, and which is more precise than the Julian calendar. But the disconcerting discovery is that this highly accurate and painstakingly prepared calendar of cosmic events has an end date of 2012, beyond which no data exists.

According to a growing number of people researching this particular phenomenon of the calendar agree that "something significant" will happen on the end-date. Opinions range from a simple "cycle back to the beginning and start over," to a cosmic catastrophe that will end all life on earth. And as more information becomes apparent, many now believe that "the government" is fully aware of what will happen and is very carefully suppressing the truth. One tantalizing glimpse of this potential foreknowledge lies in the manner in which the "Y2K Bug" was repaired in many mainframe computers -- the problem was simply pushed forward to, you guessed it, 2012.


The Cover-Up Of Alien Technology Research at Area 51
3.56% of all votes

Few government installations inspire more speculation and flights of fancy than the most public of secret government facilities, Area 51 in Groom Lake, Nevada. Known to be the testing facility for the ultra-secret "Skunk Works" projects that gave birth to advanced technologies such as the stealth aircraft, this highly-guarded location is the stuff of conspiracy legend.

Believed to be the final destination of the debris recovered from a alien space craft that crash-landed in Roswell, New Mexico, many feel the installation has been the epicenter of projects that reverse-engineer captured extraterrestrial technology.

Those who watch and track what appear to be government tests into highly-advanced technologies believe most of the activity at Area 51 has been moved to other locations. However, occasional hints and tidbits of information indicate there still may be significant efforts including the continuation of highly advanced research, possibly with the aid of actual extraterrestrial entities.


The Collapse of the Global Economy Was A Controlled Demolition
3.88% of all votes

While this may, justifiably, be a sub-set of the conspiracy theory coming in at number-one, the contemporary nature, and real emotional and economic pain being felt by the average person, makes this worthy of a position in the middle of our top-ten. Taking a cue from terminology often used in our number-three conspiracy, the "controlled demolition" refers to the decades-long plan to destroy the collective wealth of the average person.

In the first half of the previous century, people's financial savings were almost exclusively tied up in bank savings, pensions, and personal real estate (homes). Since those three simple vehicles for building or sustaining personal prosperity were not easily controlled or manipulated by the "powers that be," new methods were required to shift the finances from those relatively static, uncontrollable sources, to a more fluid and easily manipulated destination, the stock market. As a result, the government created and promoted several methods of "saving for retirement" that were tied to equity markets. Over time, an epic shift of wealth storage occurred that gave rise to huge global "investment banks" and drove equities indexes to unthinkable highs.

But savings was only part of the plan. The "powers that be" needed access to the equity in homes. So the shift in wealth storage soon focused on personal real estate. Unconventional mortgages were devised and sold at a dizzying pace to unqualified buyers. In order to fund highly exotic and risky mortgage-backed securities, both conventional and unconventional mortgages were pushed in a frenetic sales effort. The public was encouraged to use the equity in their personal real estate as credit for a massive consumer culture through home equity lines of credit, which were also folded into the exotic securities. With these strategies, the final component of the wealth storage shift was complete -- nearly every mortgage was tied to impossibly complex and highly-leveraged investment products designed to bring about catastrophe.

Now that the collective wealth of the average person had been transitioned to easily manipulated equity markets, the stage was set. Those few who devised this decades-long plan reaped the financial rewards as the "bombs" were detonated and the economy collapsed inward, resulting in the hard-earned savings of millions of people very-nearly vanishing in mere months, and the values of their homes crashing so hard it created millions of people with negative equity. The populace was successfully stripped of their wealth.

The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
6.10% of all votes

Many consider the assassination of JFK as a pivotal event that was the catalyst for evolving the culture of the United States from one of optimism to that of skepticism. It's a defining moment as arguably the first time where major segments of the population found reason to reject the "official story." From that moment on, distrust in the government began to fester with measurable impact, and the popularization of the term "conspiracy theorist" began to take root.

With the possible exception of our number-two conspiracy, the JFK assassination is perhaps the most discussed and most widely-accepted conspiracy theory. The notion that factions within the government planned the murder of the president finds itself deeply entrenched within the culture through countless books, television shows, broadcast and cable specials, and feature movies.

While potentially massive in scope, this theory has not achieved the closure of lessor-scale proven conspiracies such as Iran Contra, Watergate, and the FBI involvement in LA gang wars (to name a few). Many believe this is because the event occurred prior to the eventual skeptical-of-government environment that later ensued, which made exposure of subsequent conspiracies more likely. Before the assassination, we generally didn't want to consider our government would lie to us, now, it's a generally accepted fact of life.


The Attacks on September 11, 2001
14.26% of all votes

If we had performed this survey three years ago, this conspiracy theory may have come in at the number-one spot. This is not to say there is a diminished amount of speculation about various levels of government involvement, but that a layer of fatigue has found its way into traditional conspiracy theory circles.

The basic premise behind 9/11-related conspiracy theories are relatively simple: elements within the United States government either made possible the events of the day, or turned a blind eye so as to allow the attacks to happen unhindered. The core notion is very similar to the conspiracy theories surrounding the attacks on Pearl Harbor. But compounding these theories are two disturbing items: 1) The discovery of Project Northwoods which was a 1962 Joint Chiefs of Staff plan to inflict civilian casualties with hijacked aircraft as a pretext to invade Cuba, and 2) Conspiracy theory "chatter" during the spring of 2001 that a "false flag" terrorist attack on American soil was imminent. When conspiracy theorists discover alarming coincidences that include key "Shadow Government" members at action stations the morning of 9/11, previous plans drafted by the government to do exactly what happened on 9/11, and growing rumors of a terrorist attack that will be used as a pretext for war, the speculation begins in earnest.

Now, some eight years later, it's nearly impossible to perform an Internet search on the topic of the 9/11 attacks and find material that is not related to one or more conspiracy theories. And while the event has sparked a type of online resurgence for conspiracy theorists, in many ways, the Internet chatter has also contributed to the lack of mainstream adoption of this particular conspiracy. A multitude of web sites and Internet forum postings promote a dizzying array of wildly speculative theories that range from holographic projections and nuclear devices to total and complete fabrication of the event through Hollywood-style special effects, and so much more. Many who follow the traditional conspiracy theorist path of sober analysis and relentless research feel that some, if not many of the popularized but wild Internet theories are distractions designed to obfuscate and hide the truth in plain sight.

Indeed, those concerned about a "conspiracy within a conspiracy" need only look at the dozens (if not hundreds) of factions owing allegiance of sorts to the larger "9/11 Truth" campaign. Most of these smaller groups have been engaged in various levels of "one-upsmanship" as ever more speculative theories are aggressively promoted so as to attract attention away from competing groups. The result is an impossible to discern cacophony of competing theories, confusing or conflicting objectives, and ultimate frustration for both those involved and those seeking to learn. It doesn't matter that the confusing mix of theories is by accident or design, the traditional conspiracy theorist will comment that there is no such thing as a coincidence, and that everything happens for a reason.


The Cover-Up of Extraterrestrial Visitation and Their Space Craft
19.28% of combined votes

Coming in number two, we actually decided to combine the votes on two similar categories "Extraterrestrial Cover-up" and "Cover-ups related to UFO sightings." While conspiracy theory purists will be quick to point out that there are quantifiable differences between the cover-up of extraterrestrials and those of "unidentified flying objects" (especially when considering many UFOs may be secret government projects), there's enough crossover to combine the two.

Many respected scientists, politicians, and journalists have become convinced of compelling evidence that not only have we been visited by extraterrestrial beings, our government is actively pursuing collaborative projects in exchange for access to advanced technology. Several declassified government documents provide tantalizing clues of active programs designed to retrieve fallen alien space craft, research into extraterrestrial technologies, and cover-stories for various sightings of aerial craft of fantastic operation.

And the recent widely reported sighting at the Chicago O'Hare airport illustrates the lengths at which the government will seek to cover-up or dispel unexplained sightings of incredible aircraft. While many people, including pilots and tower personnel, saw an airborne object behaving in an extraordinary way in secure airspace at the nation's largest airport, the FAA, airlines, and official government sources did their best to deny any such thing happened.

But unlike many other conspiracy theory categories, it should be noted that this one is riddled with outright hoaxes fake footage of aliens and flying saucers. In most cases, the hoaxed images are nothing more than someone attempting to draw attention to their digital video special effects prowess. In some cases, the hoaxes turn out to be various "camps" of UFO aficionados playing tricks on each other. But in a few cases, the false leads and misdirections of popularized hoaxes have been manufactured by covert government agencies as a means to track the progression of an online meme within the relatively small circle of people engaged in researching the conspiracies.

To many, the mystery has been solved, we are not alone. But until the government finally "discloses" its awareness and involvement, extraterrestrials and UFOs will remain a high-interest conspiracy theory category.


The Secret Cabals Working Toward a Global One-World Government
22.07% of all combined votes

And now, here we are at the number-one conspiracy theory as voted by the members and visitors of Combining three very-similar vote categories; "Conspiracies related to the global banking elite," "Bilderberg, Illuminati, CFR, PNAC, etc," and "New World Order & One World Government," we have what is essentially the grand unification conspiracy theory (even before combining the votes, the NWO vote category was in first place).

In many ways, this is the core concept from which many other conspiracy theories spring forth. The "New World Order" is the fabled end-game for the power-hungry global elite that many believe are behind the events that have shaped history and current events. The core theory speculates that long-standing bloodlines and banking families have entered secret arrangements to consolidate power and influence via a global one-world government. The secret societies such as the Bilderbergs and Illuminati (and to some extent elite Free Masons) are at the core of the theory. Suspected members of these groups are associated with major international banks, the Project for the New American Century, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission.

The people speculated to be at the center of this particular conspiracy comprise a short-list of less than 3,000 of the who's-who in international politics, industry, and finance. Led by the select few who represent multi-generational family involvement for whom power consolidation has replaced wealth accumulation, the goal is global amalgamation in the form of a tightly controlled police mega-state.

Contemporary events, such as the controlled demolition of the economy and purposely failed U.S. foreign policy are seen as the latest necessary steps toward the inevitable global police state. Even elements of the UFO and ET technology cover-ups can be traced back to this unification conspiracy theory as the power elite use all tools at their disposal to refine the technologies needed to control a global population. In one way or another, according to traditional conspiracy theorists, all lessor conspiracies are traced back to this singular but complex theory that is to conspiracies what string theory is to physics.


This shi7's whacked and I'm bored...

But i do believe in most of these theories lol ESPECIALLY NUMBER 1!

good time wasting website
well G20 summit is over, and they basically gave all the combined moneys of the world, like 12trillion or sum rediculous amount, to the Iinternational Monetary Fund, meanwhile the IMF is off bankrupting countries in Africa and South America...

The IMF, the Council on Foreign Relations & the United Nations are the New World Order... And FEAR is their main weapon, to make people think that the decisions made by Government are beneficial to them... Obama practically announces it here at his Berlin speech..

Watch Both Zeitgeist movies
YouTube & Google Alex Jones
Watch The Obama Deception

hard to do much more than simply letting people know this stuff is a reality!
the new world order is completely real, so is the illuminati.


Information Awareness Office (IAO)





Free Masons


Order of the Golden Dawn


The Trilateral Commission

The Council on Foreign Relations

Nikola Tesla Zero Point Theory

Electric Universe

Sumerian Religious Beliefs

Use resources such as:

do it now so you can educate yourself and those you care about.

It's not about forcing this on people, it is not a religion remember, so present it - people do not want to know about this because of the bubble they have been brainwashed into believeing is reality feels safe and secure and everything outside of this bubble is not real or valid - this information falls well within that zone for ALOT of people.

I may sound like a crazy man, but that's because i am passionate about this subject. Noone knows detail about anything that is going on in the world... only the headlines and what tiny peices of information are provided within the respective article or story.

TO LEAVE OUT DETAIL IS TO DISREGARD THE TRUTH - and that is all the Media do in this world.

Remember who owns the media & in turn the television networks who produce their own news and reuter information - it is the true owners of the umbrella companies that have their fingers in every pie, who tell their subordinate to tell their subordinate to tell another subordinate to tell the producer of the news shows (purely entertainment nowadays mixed with fear enducing reports falsely blown out of proportion or omittant of any truth at all) WHAT TO TELL US!

True Owners
Big Corp
Lesser Corp
News Corp
Television Network
Show Producers
Script Writers
idiot with no facial expression nor true compassion, emotion or empathy, who talks in an authoritative way to impress upon you the truth of the matter and gain your trust and to use fear
(in the form of a 'News Flash' or 'Exclusive Report' designed to scare you and lull you into a sense of insecurity looking for answers as to how to survive this latest threat, thus your mind defences are down and you accept the shi7 some wank3r who pretends he has OUR authority is spewing to you about the next move to re-write old laws which didn't deal with this issue to be able to deal with it - BUT REALLY SIMPLY TAKING AWAY MORE AND MORE OF YOUR FREEDOMS AND RIGHTS)
to make the changes that work for them to further secure the complete control and obedience of the human race. Mindless Subordinates who STAY IN LINE or are sent off to somewhere they will be beaten in line ie: PRISON.

I don't know what is on the cards for our prison systems but I guarantee one thing. With these truelly evil;
(good and evil being defined in this case by:
Good - 'anything which works towards the necessity for complexity that is life, always in a forwards direction, moving towards the shared objective of life, which is to exist, love and procreate'
Evil - 'An entity that interferes with, deceives or thwarts the forward direction of the good')

With these evil people in power and in control of everything, you can guarantee prison will not be a place you want to find yourself in the new world...

Call me a madman, call me crazy, call me an anarchist, call me stupid, call me whatever the f**k you want, cuz it doesn't matter to me, the only reason you will call me anything is because you conform to the zombie, IF NOT SHEEP-like, mentality that the status quo set by pop-culture (consisiting of every bulimia causing cosmo/dolly magazine, hollywood mind control techniques of symbology and stereotyping, celebrities who endorse things for the money and lie and act to extort you and the statements of 'authority figures' as to the current social situations).

Take a step outside your bubble and look at the facts.

Look into what your leaders are doing RIGHT NOW


wake up Australia
you should see me rant and rave about conspiricy's to people in the dark when I get drunk!

you guys haven't obviously heard about the tsunami being caused by HAARP have you?


Notice all the earthquakes in Iran, Afghanistan, Korea and China? You probably wouldnt if you only watch your local news network. Then there's the earthquake that caused the tsunami on boxing day which killed 300+ thousand people. By the way- where did all the "aid" money go when everyone donated? Definately not to re-build the local infrastructure. Jewish owned pharmaceutical companies back pockets perhaps??


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