converting digital climate control back to standard heating


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yoni lover
Oct 20, 2006
i am about to start the conversion back to standard gl lancer type
heating in the evo and am after some help as to what i need to do to get it going.

i have the complete heater box and heater controls already.

can i use the standard gl heating loom and plug that in to the evo main loom to get the fan working?

i want to also remove the climate type heater controls loom,
does this unplug out of the main loom?

everything else is pretty straight forward that i can see.
track car only,i want to eliminate alot of the electrical components
that are not really necessary and make things a little more simple

once its out it will eventually be for sale also
I spoke to meek about it ... (converting to climate) and all the looms had to be replaced, and all the sensors had to be installed in all the different parts ... Didn't get into all the technical side of things... But it had me want to do it ...

I guess you would have to change all of the stuff behind the dash to go to non climate, as it would work on the vacuum method... And there will be a switch that opens and closes the heater tap, which would be connected to the heater control ... I played around with a VN a/c system and replaced all of those broken components ...

The a/c switch, had this long bit of metal (like a wire coat hanger) that was attached to a lever the that closed off the pipes to the hot water for the a/c... As you wanted it colder, this lever would retract, and hit up against the switch which then opened up the heater tap ... Then I guess as the heater tap opened, it vented the hot water out and kept the pipes cool ...
yeah i wouldn't mind doing that as well, the climate control on the gsr's are such a bitch to use i reckon...

when you've got it sitting on max cool.. and u want to go all the way back up to 32 degrees on a cold night, you have to sit and push buttons like crazy... its frustrating..
I threw the whole thing in the bin, weigh friggin heaps. Blank it off.

Doesnt matter how cold it gets youll be warm when driving in competition in a suit n helmet workin your ass off.

Demisting is all you need. I cut the vent ducting so there is no center or side venting, and only left the 1/2 on the drivers side of the demist vent and sealed the end with expanding foam. Then rigged up a compter fan to it. Pumps more air than factory set up and although only cold air ive had no probs with fogging up. This includes night rallys in the rain in the middle of winter.

And it weight NOTHING!
trevmcrev said:
I threw the whole thing in the bin, weigh friggin heaps. Blank it off.

Doesnt matter how cold it gets youll be warm when driving in competition in a suit n helmet workin your ass off.

Demisting is all you need. I cut the vent ducting so there is no center or side venting, and only left the 1/2 on the drivers side of the demist vent and sealed the end with expanding foam. Then rigged up a compter fan to it. Pumps more air than factory set up and although only cold air ive had no probs with fogging up. This includes night rallys in the rain in the middle of winter.

And it weight NOTHING!

This man is thinking!
trevmcrev said:
I threw the whole thing in the bin, weigh friggin heaps. Blank it off.

Doesnt matter how cold it gets youll be warm when driving in competition in a suit n helmet workin your ass off.

Demisting is all you need. I cut the vent ducting so there is no center or side venting, and only left the 1/2 on the drivers side of the demist vent and sealed the end with expanding foam. Then rigged up a compter fan to it. Pumps more air than factory set up and although only cold air ive had no probs with fogging up. This includes night rallys in the rain in the middle of winter.

And it weight NOTHING!

I wish you had of thrown it my way ... :(
p3akin said:
yeah i wouldn't mind doing that as well, the climate control on the gsr's are such a bitch to use i reckon...

when you've got it sitting on max cool.. and u want to go all the way back up to 32 degrees on a cold night, you have to sit and push buttons like crazy... its frustrating..

Maybe you havent play around with it enough as its definately not the case to keep pushing buttons multiple times.

I admit It has taken me on three years since my jspec conversion was done to work it out tho :lol:
one just sold on ebay for 70 bucks with wiring loom
i almost bought it, but i got to my pc too late :(
considering you guys think its a huge job, maybe it was better i didnt :)
Liberoz said:
p3akin said:
yeah i wouldn't mind doing that as well, the climate control on the gsr's are such a bitch to use i reckon...

when you've got it sitting on max cool.. and u want to go all the way back up to 32 degrees on a cold night, you have to sit and push buttons like crazy... its frustrating..

Maybe you havent play around with it enough as its definately not the case to keep pushing buttons multiple times.

I admit It has taken me on three years since my jspec conversion was done to work it out tho :lol:

Goes to full heat if you push the big demist button doesn't it? E39A does 8)
Dean said:
one just sold on ebay for 70 bucks with wiring loom
i almost bought it, but i got to my pc too late :(
considering you guys think its a huge job, maybe it was better i didnt :)
I saw that and nearly bought it as well but no spare cash, heard that it is a pain to install and my experiance with climate control in ANY car has put me off the setup so I prefer my A/C setup anyway!
Richard said:
Dean said:
one just sold on ebay for 70 bucks with wiring loom
i almost bought it, but i got to my pc too late :(
considering you guys think its a huge job, maybe it was better i didnt :)
I saw that and nearly bought it as well but no spare cash, heard that it is a pain to install and my experiance with climate control in ANY car has put me off the setup so I prefer my A/C setup anyway!

I bid on the one on ebay when it was 99c ... lol ... I was the first bidder ... Was keeping an eye on it, but yeah, my funds haven't cleared yet, so couldn't buy it ...
liberoz: 3 yrs haha!! well yeah i have no idea..

vr4 squid: nah it doesnt go to full heat when i press demister..

i duno, ill have a play with it later - see how it goes
p3akin said:
liberoz: 3 yrs haha!! well yeah i have no idea..

i duno, ill have a play with it later - see how it goes

its all in the length of time you press the buttons and how many times together, the only real hint is play with the auto and other buttons combined ;)