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Diamonds are forever....
Apr 1, 2005
Melbourne VIC
I am only having issues with this forum- if I am on for 5 minutes, all the new posts aren't popping up like I 'marked the forums as read'
mmmmmm Cookies.......


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I thought this was a crap thing at first but after using other forums such as and I find they are better as the new/unread posts stay that way untill I click on the "mark all posts read" Is there a way this forum can do this aswell.
Like if I just hop on the forum at lunch time at work for 5 mins to find something in a thread that I remembered from ages ago or something then when I get home and want to have a browse at the posts from the previos few days they are all gone/marked grey so I dunno "where I was at''
Im having no problem with it:confused:
The tabs stay yellow until i refresh the page and new ones pop in....Then Mark forums read and it clears totally!
I have actually been back to normal over the last day or 2.....

Perhaps its something wrong on my end
CLuTZ said:
I have actually been back to normal over the last day or 2.....

Perhaps its something wrong on my end
you're back to normal, but i copped it today.
after 10mins it cleared them all and i lost all the new posts :mad:
Richard said:
This forum is the only one that does this and to be honest it ***** me!
yeh same ere mate.
If you hit "quick links" bring up "todays posts" then it will bring the latest ones up.
thats the best unfortunately :(
I now have this issue of all read posts reappearing when I log in, regardless of clearing them by either double clicking the topic button or marking the forum as read they keep coming back each log on:mad:

Is this happening to any other users? It is the first time it has occured for me.
marinetowing said:
I now have this issue of all read posts reappearing when I log in, regardless of clearing them by either double clicking the topic button or marking the forum as read they keep coming back each log on:mad:

Is this happening to any other users? It is the first time it has occured for me.
Depends how quickly you log in.
It does it to me if i log in within about 10mins, other than that it doesnt.
Nope, im on here 24-7.
I was referring to the last time there was a black out, which, forced me to go to my nearest library to get T4G access. hence, the 10minute log in time :p
Sometimes after I read a post and go back to the main forum page straight after, it will still say its un-read until I go back into that section, then it marks it as read.
Two things

Which browser are you using? VBulletin isn't optimised for IE. IE being a giant piece of **** and all that. Also, may have issues with Google's Chrome as it's new.

Secondly, you should be autoclearing cookies in your history after a MAX of 7 days for high traffic sites like this one. (AKA, site you goto a lot)

It only takes a single character to be out of place in the cookie, which can happen for any number of reasons and the cookie will only partially work.

Wiping your cookies and checking your security settings will fix all your issues.

<I find myself wishing I had a dollar for everytime I explained this>
Anyone still having trouble with cookies.. close all windows, delete your cookies and then log back in. Just tweaked it a bit - hopefully it will sort out some issues.