Cordiapower Hax0r3d


Help Support 4GTuner:

NFI, I cant get in contact with Kham cos his email addy is hosted by cordiapower. I've submitted a report to (AHTCC)Australian High Tech Crimes Centre, dunno wtf is gonna be done about it. I think its actually spam cos down the bottom left hand corner is a link to
work's proxy had the old site in it

whats up with all the heat lately?

what happened with the team4g issues?
I did. I'm not at liberty to discuss it however. Needless to say said person will be unable to -ever- access this website again.

On a side note: The Database backup size has TRIPLED in the last 4 weeks. Well done guys.
Entaran said:
On a side note: The Database backup size has TRIPLED in the last 4 weeks. Well done guys.

the one that you save from the phpbb admin page?

or the mysql one itself?
Entaran said:
I did. I'm not at liberty to discuss it however.

why the hell not? dont we have a right to know?

its like not telling us who raped out little sister...........

CLuTZ said:
Entaran said:
I did. I'm not at liberty to discuss it however.

why the hell not? dont we have a right to know?

its like not telling us who raped out little sister...........


Because I don't need to cause the arguments. It doesn't need to be said so it won't. btw dre, answer your phone :p

Oh and jase, the direct download from phpbb admin page.
Yeah I just tried out cordiapower already. Hopefully it should be back up soon.

Rob: The only problem is I cant get mscordia's address to give her the money order for the cordiatrip. :?
Man this sucks, its heavily restricted my usual whoring quota, I'm getting bored at work without Cordiapower farken!
Im still suss about that link in the bottom left corner, it links to a internet security site, sounds like a conspiriacy to create more business for these programs :?

Nick:Ill PM you her mob number, then you can ask her for bank details.
raping our sister.. lol
thats funny dre..

cordia power is entertaining though.. u guys get HEAPS of traffic!!..
Entaran said:
CLuTZ said:
Entaran said:
I did. I'm not at liberty to discuss it however.

why the hell not? dont we have a right to know?

its like not telling us who raped out little sister...........


Because I don't need to cause the arguments.

is there something your not telling us Entaran?

ive been having some late nights, call me early evening if you can

entaran: be careful relying on that backup.. make sure someone gets one of the whole mysql database (i'm assuming this board runs off of mysql)

it's not that good of a backup - many people have had troubles with it
The method of attack and the culprit(s) are well and truly old news, can we just move on please?

Also, thanks jase the server takes care of solid sql backups.