Day of Defeat


Help Support 4GTuner:

yer i played dod
im bloody terrible..

cs is waay better tho.. cs-s too :D


brings back memories.. sadly
Hey my real post was deleted!

As i TRIED to say... ;)

I liked CS unless there were kids playing it.
Or *******.
Often both. Otherwise its about 2 minutes of fun followed by about 10 mins of abuse and being told how someone is going to kick ur ass somewhere in the country...
TrooperShannon said:
Hey my real post was deleted!

As i TRIED to say... ;)

I liked CS unless there were kids playing it.
Or *******.
Often both. Otherwise its about 2 minutes of fun followed by about 10 mins of abuse and being told how someone is going to kick ur ass somewhere in the country...

hahaha and god forbid u kill them (which was usually apiece of piss) cos then your a hakz0r and they gonna have u banned rant fudging rant :p
yeha BF2 is awesome!!!!!!! the reason i ask is that myself, MADVR4 and MVR420 play and one night we tagged up with <4G63> at the start of our names. Man you should have seen everyone spinning ****. like v8's rule and keep dreaming you will never own an EVO!!! pissa!!
MADEVO said:
yeha BF2 is awesome!!!!!!! the reason i ask is that myself, MADVR4 and MVR420 play and one night we tagged up with <4G63> at the start of our names. Man you should have seen everyone spinning ****. like v8's rule and keep dreaming you will never own an EVO!!! pissa!!

how long ago was that?? i'm on BF2 as GEEZGSR and i'm sure i saw someone with <4G63> at the start of them name the other day?! i thought i was just tripping! :lol: