Demo videos


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ECMTuning, Inc.
Aug 9, 2009
Frederick, MD - USA
We're putting together a few demos of how to use the ECMLink application. We're going to start with the basic functionality (navigation, selections, captured values, preferences, etc.), but we'll probably also add a few "case studies" where we walk through the thought process and procedures for identifying a few sample problems.

I wanted to get the first one out early just to get some feedback. Let me know what you think and if you have any idea on what you'd like to see in the future.

Thomas Dorris
Tom, for the benifit of the old blokes out there me!

once Ive made the changes in the Data there a simple way of reloading this to the ecu?
BMGTZ said:
once Ive made the changes in the Data there a simple way of reloading this to the ecu?
Can you give me an example? I don't follow what you're doing yet.

If you're making changes to the ECU Config or Direct Access areas, you can just hit the "copy all to ECU" button at the bottom. Those (and captured values) are the only things in the application that are actually saved off to the ECU.

Changes to the datalog screen itself are just stored on your laptop. So if you're making changes there and you want those to be "remembered", you'll need to check the "save as defaults" button once you've changed them or you can right click in the graph and select "set all defaults".

Thomas Dorris
I can help you out there bro down the bottom of the "tmngMaxOct" table that we were looking at is a button" copy to ECU" I made the changes that we were talking about and hit the button It wrote the changes to the ECU and going out now to do another pull and see if i cured that knock on the EVO 1....

Tom thanks for that last Video its was just what we needed. These tutorial video's are excellent
thanks once again for the fantastic support for your product :thumbsup:
kenm55 said:
going out now to do another pull and see if i cured that knock on the EVO 1....
Figuring out where you can pull a few degrees to get rid of knock retard isn't too bad. Just keep in mind that there may be areas where you can increase advance to get a little more power without knocking. There's not much in your logs that will highlight those areas for you. Those are the "trial and error" tuning changes.

I personally just drop the EVO8 tables in and tune from there. It seems to be a good base almost regardless of the car's setup.

Thomas Dorris
Thanks Tom
I used the EVO 8 setup to begin with but when i did a run I noticed a couple of areas that showed( 4 deg!) knock so have gone in and retarded the timing a bit in those areas.
The great thing is that even an old bloke like me can jump in find the problem area's and make changes great stuff!!
I was looking at the old boys logs today Tom......yep he is older than me!!!....and we were playing around with some timing to kill knock. before we turn up the boost
evopwr said:
I hope there's more to follow.
There are, I promise. It's just a matter of finding time these days.

I think I'll put up a couple "case studies" next and then maybe an "advanced" fuel trim thing and, of course, a WOT tuning demo. :) We're getting completely sidetracked right now with business. It's good and bad, of course.

Thomas Dorris
Another thumbs up from myself on the videos Thomas. An already good product is now superb. Now I just have to find a way for it to be able to control a Toyota Engine :p.
rob323 said:
Now I just have to find a way for it to be able to control a Toyota Engine.
Thanks. And Tom is fine, BTW. As for the Toyota, best I can do is point you to a fellow that has it running in his Volvo (with the Volvo engine). I think he had to rewire and mount a cam/crank sensor. Plenty of work, of course, but not like completely gutting the car or anything.

Thomas Dorris
ECMTuning, Inc.
Great stuff!

Makes me want to go back to a stock ecu on the AMG Galant.
I'm running a motec on it and its all good and all, but I've gotta add in some form of idle control because the thing cant control the stock stepper motor.