Dump pipe.......?


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E III Recaro Pilot
Oct 9, 2005
Gold Coast
When you go and get an aftermarket Dump pipe for these cars does it come directly off the back off the turbo?

Or does it join later on after the O2 housing? like a front pipe?
What is the O2 housing? is it the bit that joins directly after the turbo?

So if i go to get a 3 inch dump pipe i should eliminate the O2 housing and get a full custom 3 inch dump pipe made up with a new O2 sesnsor incorporated into it for best performance right?

Can anyone put pics up?
an o2 housing is a dump pipe, it houses the o2 sensor :wink:

it's the pipe that comes off the turbine housing. the new dump/o2 housing will have a port for the o2 sensor to fit into.

hope that helps :)

Excuse my blondness..

Okay while im here,are the stock dump pies worth porting?


Is a 14b worth porting?
i wouldnt bother porting the dump, u can buy a 2.5 inch one for about $250 from Driven Performance, NZ.

it may be beneficial to port match the outlet of the turbine housing to the dump pipe, but you might be better off just buying the gtpumps enhanced evo 3 housing for $340.
port matched my 14 dump and took a shiite loads out of the internal too definatly worth doing
If you have access to the tools and bits.

at least port match it if you dont touch anything else.
Liberoz said:
port matched my 14 dump and took a shiite loads out of the internal too definatly worth doing
If you have access to the tools and bits.

at least port match it if you dont touch anything else.

Port matched the 14b O2 Housing to the 14b turbo?
JAP63 said:
Liberoz said:
port matched my 14 dump and took a shiite loads out of the internal too definatly worth doing
If you have access to the tools and bits.

at least port match it if you dont touch anything else.

Port matched the 14b O2 Housing to the 14b turbo?

I think he means matched it to a 070 housing
so do you mean.....

He ported the 14b O2 Housing (dump pipe) to match the larger O.70 Turbine housing?

If so would u port the turbine inlet to match the manifold as well?

Like the pic below..
matress said:
it may be beneficial to port match the outlet of the turbine housing to the dump pipe, b

When u say this,you are speaking of the housing where the Turbine wheel sits yeah?
Cos in the Vfaq on porting,it says not to port this as it may disturb flow..etc etc..It does say however to open up the wastegate hole,which i dont see how that will increase your power,only eliminates creep.

If any one has pics on what to port id appreciate it.
back to the original question.

a 14b has a 6cm outlet, a 16g has a 7cm outlet.

AFAIK a stock VR4 manifold is already port matched for the turbo that it runs.

Not much point hiflowing a 14b, with the CASH you spend doing that you could get yourself a 16g and immediately have the same amount of power capability and more.

If its a dump pipe you are after like you first suggested, get a custom one made from the turbo. 3"will be too big if you are retaining the 14b. You would be better off getting 2.5" dump & front pipe and then going to 3" after the cat. Or you could even just stick with the 2.5" all the way through. Get the o2 sensor fitted like you mentioned and youre set.
that is the inlet to the turbine housing. the hole out of the manifold should be the same size as that hole.
GSRSOL said:
Not much point hiflowing a 14b, with the CASH you spend doing that you could get yourself a 16g and immediately have the same amount of power capability and more.

Where's the 20g's at? If your going to highflow, get a some bigger wheels in there! Do it once, and do it properly!

FYI: the 070 housing still has a 6cm exhaust inlet so dont think its an 060 beacuse of that.

If your going to port anything, take the OEM fire ring setup out and get your turbo port matched and ported around the wastegate. If I was you, i'd just go for an off the shelf turbo and not look back :D
CLuTZ said:
Do it once, and do it properly!

Those bloody sheep ******* kiwis are doing 11's on a small 16g with an E38a VR4?? And they're whipping our ass in the rugby- :lol: :lol: :D

Tie me kangaroo down sport!!!
