Dying to meet the gang, so when's the next meet? :)


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Lese Alafaio

Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2012
Hey guys, some of you have met me already but I'm still waiting for a meet!!! Really wanna see what's in everyone's garage, lets get together sometime, my brothers and I have 3 gsr ccs and an evo 8 mr which we will be bringing to the table.
Lets put some fun back into 4gtuner :)
I organise a lot of the social meets here in W.A. for a few EVO forums.
More than welcome to come along to a cruise we are having this sunday.

Meet at Captain Munchies in Fremantle on Sunday the 16th at 11.30am for lunch at noon then we are cruising up the coast.
I organise a lot of the social meets here in W.A. for a few EVO forums.
More than welcome to come along to a cruise we are having this sunday.

Meet at Captain Munchies in Fremantle on Sunday the 16th at 11.30am for lunch at noon then we are cruising up the coast.
I organise a lot of the social meets here in W.A. for a few EVO forums.
More than welcome to come along to a cruise we are having this sunday.

Meet at Captain Munchies in Fremantle on Sunday the 16th at 11.30am for lunch at noon then we are cruising up the coast.
it sounds like a real blast :) where y'all heading to? Ill see if the mrs wants to roll out :)
Will just be cruising up the coast, possibly end up at Hillary's or even further north depending on what everyone wants to do.
Nothing big cruise wise, it's more of a social thing.
Thought so.
Well when you come in tomorrow I'll meet you so you'll know someone at the meet if you head out on Sunday.
Most people generally know me already through work.