ECMlink not receiving speed signal - No Launch control


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New Member
Apr 27, 2016
The Bahamas

Got an ecmlink installed into my 3.

Chip seems to be functioning fine. I'm able to log, change injector settings etc..

My issue is the ecu won't read my speed therefore launch control is no good. Limits revs even while moving.

I've pulled the cluster and confirmed the rsw screw is in place. Have also confirmed that I'm getting 4.7v's to the pin behind the cluster and tried one from another car.

I'm stumped, any ideas guy's?
ECMlite doesn't need a clutch switch on an early evo if you disable the the clutch switch in the right place. I don't have a switch in any of mine and it works fine....i just cant recalled where to disable it as its been a while since Ive used the program. flick through the tabs and check to see if you can tick a box

The problem you describe is also common if the speedo cable is broken.