ECMTuning- E85 cranking enrichment


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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2006
Guys, I have been working with Tom Dorris of ECMTuning, on overcoming cold start issues with E85 and ECMTuning chips for Galant VR4and Evo 1-3, RVR etc. A lot of my Evo 5-9 customers running E85 initially had the issue of being a bitch to start when ambient temperatures were under 10 degrees celcius. I figured out in the Ecuflash definitions this could be easily overcome by fiddling with the cranking enrichment tables. However, this hadnt been a feature in ECM Tuning chips... much to my major annoynance. I'm also tiring of the moaning from customers about cold starts, especially the guys using the United brew. United dont change the petrol content in colder weather , unlike Caltex with the E-Flex version.

Correspondence with Tom was hopeful.. if I find the tables address, he will make an effort to include it as a feature. I gave Tom an Evo definition .xdf file, and a ROM. Tom confirmed that the 1G, 2G and Evo 1-3 have similar tables ( almost identical ??). He has given me a trial version with the cranking enrichment table , and yes there is a very noticeable improvement in cold starts. So with a bit more testing , with me sending him some logs of start ups so he can confirm things, it is probably not too far off for a general release.

I'm stoked with Toms willingness to listen,help, and quickly respond to any enquiries. The ECMtuning chip is a great tuning tool !!
