ecu with chiptorque chip


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yoni lover
Oct 20, 2006
a few quick questions;

if an ecu already has a chiptorque chip can it be used on another car
with different mods?(without tuning)

secondly,can a previously tuned chiptorque be retuned and will the ecu still work without the chip at all?(removed from board)

the ecu in question is an oz spec(i think) 1.8 gsr turbo unit
DOUGMO said:
and will the ecu still work without the chip at all?(removed from board)

does the chiptorque rom sit in the socket where the original GSR rom chip would be (board is socketed)?

if this is the case, i thought it would need at least the stock rom chip to sit in its place once the other chip is removed to make the ecu functional

anyone care to shed light
The ECU will not run if you remove this chip.

The chip will work with an engine with different mods - how well, and how safe it is all depends on the mods themselves and the changes.

I'd be surprised if you couldn't get the car started and drive it gently (in closed loop). I wouldn't be using full boost or WOT on an ECU tuned for a different setup.

The chip can be retuned, but it's the same process as doing the tune again from scratch really. Depending on the change in engine mods.
