Engine oil additives. anti friction. oil flush. Peoples opinions?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
Has any one used Liqui Moly Anti Friction. Its contains MOS2 (Molybdenum Disulfide) it’s the same stuff they put in good grease for cv joints ect.
Its meant to cling to surfaces extremely well and with lower friction comes less heat and wear ect. According to them its suited for turbos an superchargers.
I went to an information night on the whole Liqui Moly range as its recently been released in Australia, been around for years and they claim to have pioneered the use of MSO2 as an additive. (its quite possible they named their company after it, i.e liquid molybdenum)
I quizzed the guys doing the info night but they didn’t say much more than the panpohlet or the web site. http://www.liqui-moly.com.au/product1.htm
And what about has anyone used additives such as Liqui moly Engine Detox or Sludge Remover.
Bottle smells a lot like degreaser to me.
A friend has used sludge remover on his old 260z and was quite amazed at how black the oil went with gunk cleaned out of his motor. (he checked the oil colour first dumping a tiny bit of his oil before.)
Then used the resealer additive after and no leaks since.

Some reasons why im a little cagey.

Now while its working, the crap if floating around you oil as its released for the 10 or so minutes you leave you car idling to allow it to clean. Hopefully caught by the oil filter on its way through. And not stuff up any bearings.

Oils have detergents to clean and you can have problems going from a ****** oil with little cleaners to one with more cleaning agents as it too quickly releases buildup, however this stays in the motor for a whole oil change interval. These additives are only left in with the motor idling around for 10 minutes. (maybe 15 I cant remember)

What if by cleaning a surface it increases the tolerances in certain parts.

And also there will be some left over after changing the oil so maybe a good idea to do a second change after using it.

Opinions, experiences?

Liqui Moly is recently been released in Australia and has a pretty solid foundation in Europe. Any one used the other brands
The safest way to clean an engine out remains when you're stripping it for a rebuild/refresh (new rings/bearings).

I'm fully skeptical of just about any other process except the heavily involved ones at top mechanics where they flush your engine while it's running.