Everybody will take a step back and think of the big picture


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Donating Member
Apr 21, 2005
Lately there has been a bad spirit rising in this community and partly its because people just cant let go of their egos.

Some think they are better than others. Some think they can bag other people non stop and get away with it. Some self glorify, some are quiet achievers and you hardly see a peep out of them. Some have malevolent and hateful feelings towards other. People go off topic a lot, some threads are pointless. Peoples businesses are sometimes attacked and scorned against, most times praised. People are praised, some are ridiculed. Jokes are made, people laugh. Cruises are had, meets have been fun.
Some have a very bad time on this forum, some dont.

Then sometimes others have been threatened and sent nasty messages via PMs Out of the publics eye............................................................

Most are general forum members, some are regulars, some are legends and Gurus, postwhores, jokers and even some are moderators and Administrators.

Take a very good hard look at the above that I have written.

Now ask yourself this question:

Where do I fit in all this?

Am I guilty of any of this above crap?

How have I contributed to this forum?

Have I made any good solid friendships from being here?

Was it good to finally meet that forum member?

Am I making it a better place for all to grow and learn from?

Should I have said that to that particular person?

How much money time and effort have I saved from being a member of these forums?

Is this forum a valuable resource?

Think about all that............

The other night you almost lost the whole T4G database/website.

Not because it was corrupted by computer viruses, All because you were, NO....WE ALL were loosing the plot and starting to turn bad just like some sort of human virus :(

Certain Admin/Mods were going to pull the pin on T4G and shut it down permanently

Simply because we have had enough of your ****.

Many of us guys behind the scenes are now paying for the site to be hosted, which comes out of our own pockets and love for the site.

Generally, we dont hear or see any thanks for providing you with a great place to find out most of your technical needs.

Most of all, the person fronting the majority of the funds, time and effort. Lawrence (Entaran).

He together with Jon (j-style) and others in the backend of the forum started this website dedicated to the 4G engine, so you could all learn and profit from its massive wealth of knowledge and information from the combined experience of all involved.

These are the people that you should be praising and helping

Being that it was supposed to just be a technical Forum, without general chat/off topic and various other sections it has grown and exceeded our expectations.

A lot of the posts in the above mentioned threads have turned to **** fights because of the petty attitudes of some members.

Sometimes us Admin/Mods do stuff up occasionally too.

Please remember.....we are only human too you know.

Which brings me almost to the end?

For those with a guilty Conscious (you know who you are)...what are you going to do about it?

Are you going to stop doing it?

Will you stop sending harassing pms and start being civil?

Will you help contribute to this great forum?

Or will you just leave the forum and not come back?

Because eventually if you dont shape up and settle down, you WILL be removed, and PERMANETELY. I dont care if you have 200 posts or 2000+

That is all.

Thankyou all for taking the time to read and think.

Peace out to all.............

good man! i was actually wondering if anyone was gonna say something like this.......i agree! this is a club! we should all help each other no matter what! i cant count the times ive been helped out by members with my car problems on and off the forums and id do my best to to help in return in my own way! im sure there are members out there that know what im talkin bout too! i was disgusted the other night when i saw someone attack someone elses car problems! doesnt matter who they were but at least that someone was trying and learning.....while everyone was giving suggestions to the problems to help someone out he was critical! and put him down! its not on and its not fair! why be like that? cos that someones trying and he aint? :evil: thats really bad......
shutup harry! :lol:

but yeh i agree theres some bad spirit going around on the forums...

ppl should just learn to get along or if you really cant stand them just forget about it and ignore.

if you aint got nothing good to say just dont say it..

it saves a lot of trouble.
I put it down to all our g/f's/mistress's having their rags at the same time so we're not getting any.
CLuTZ said:
I put it down to all our g/f's/mistress's having their rags at the same time so we're not getting any.
if the river runs red, take the dirt track :lol:
that's hardly an excuse dre!
matress said:
CLuTZ said:
I put it down to all our g/f's/mistress's having their rags at the same time so we're not getting any.
if the river runs red, take the dirt track :lol:
that's hardly an excuse dre!

Bwaha, what if the dirt track is down for maintenance, because too much traffic has gone through there??

Good engouh excuse for ya??

Haha we're going to get our shiz deleted
CLuTZ said:
matress said:
CLuTZ said:
I put it down to all our g/f's/mistress's having their rags at the same time so we're not getting any.
if the river runs red, take the dirt track :lol:
that's hardly an excuse dre!

Bwaha, what if the dirt track is down for maintenance, because too much traffic has gone through there??

Good engouh excuse for ya??

Haha we're going to get our shiz deleted

then hit 2 birds with one stone n shut her up from her whinging ;)
Here Here, Im in all favor to the above said from the guys who play a big role in supporting our passions of life which keep up from the bad side of it and insanity of todays pressures.....

I just wonder sometimes why some people are having to go beyond the point of opposite to resourceful and knowledgeble and simply redicule a thread that somebody has posted..........

I believe where all here to have a good time and laugh, so be it and put the past behind us........... as life its self is too short to conger negativity...


"bloody hippys" maybe they were on the right track :lol:
all of us at one time knew nothing about cars, so there's no need to talk down on people who are like that now.
I have no idea what you're all talking about? What bad vibes? :shock: I feel that some people need to watch "THE SPIRIT" DVD lol :lol:
you missed the conversations that took place in the gsr steering rack boot thread, i agree entirely with what has been said dane, we are a club and need to look out for one another, but in my defence when someone attacks my place of work then i am gonna get fired up, and i am gonna defend it, it is my livelyhood and without that i wouldn't have the galant and there would be no point me being on here...end rant, i apologise if i have offended anyone or made it look like i have sour grapes
I have to say ...

Yes, I did read that thread .. Yes it did disappoint me that people were so quick to attack each other ... I haven't seen a flame like that since a certain Cordia owner was here ...

But in general ... This forum doesn't seem to have the ******** that goes on like other forums I am a member of, and just simply don't participate cause they are just full of idiots ... It is a great resource, and although I have only met a couple of people who post here, there seems to be a lot of decent and knowledgeable folk that hang around...

PLEASE DON'T SHUT DOWN THE FORUMS .... When I read that it did hit pretty hard .. But this forum adds value to all of us 4G63's and in general the Mitsi community ...
Yeah that thread got nasty quick i were suprised. This place is great compared to most other car forums ive visited and the reason i keep watching this is its not full of ******** like most others are.

I cant contribute alot technically, its not my forte. I can offer a lot of advice about rallying, and since thats where evos were born, thats where i fit in here.

In terms of helping keep the forum alive, i have a vinyl cutter, and can offer to do the next run of stickers for Enteran, so sales go straight to paying the bills.
I here you trevmcrev..likewise.

If anyone wants to know suspension info or guard to centre heights just ask..i and 87Vr4 hav spent the last 3-4 years playing with this stuff and know most of the street stuff and where it will sit your car..whats too low and whats not..what rims will fit,and what rims wont..

Ive never been able to access the resources from anywhere as good as this site..i could list the ppl that have helped me...but it would go forever...

From beginers who ask Q's to experts who dont ask Q's..im still learning..I always will be....

The help i have received on T4G is without a doubt..Invaluable.

Il never forget...i had a dash ratle on my Ggsr i couldnt find or get rid of..drove me Fkin insane..i posted a simple thread with an explanation...someone..i think it was aagvr or something like that,think his name was Chris...posted back it was the bonnet hinges...i would never have found it..and a mechanic probly wouldnt have either...awesome...and i think that was goin back to the ClubVr4 days..which many of us were on.