Evo 5/6 ecu into SSG RVR


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Mar 8, 2016
Hey guys. i know this is a common subject. but i need to know exactly which pins to swap. if anyone has any information it would be much appreciated. also on the wiring for the obd2 plug

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thanks guys. You may need to check your message requests on facebook as it may have ended up there. or send me a friend request.

so what i took from that is ssg and evo 3 pinout is the same but the hsg 2 pins are swapped around. so i should be looking at evo 6 into evo 3?

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Well, after trying get to help this poor guy and wasting his time, it seems the hsgr and ssg have different pinouts... For instance, pin 33 (fuel pressure solenoid) is can't on the ssg ecu.
Can anyone should some ligHt on the pinouts for turn ssg please? Doing my head in...
Well, after trying get to help this poor guy and wasting his time, it seems the hsgr and ssg have different pinouts... For instance, pin 33 (fuel pressure solenoid) is can't on the ssg ecu.
Can anyone should some ligHt on the pinouts for turn ssg please? Doing my head in...
New phone smart arse, lol.
Where the hsgr/evo3 have pin 33 occupied, the ssg pin 33 is vacant.
So, I figure it must be a different pinout. Maybe vr4 type or something.....
well when i first plugged in the evo5 ecu into the untouched ssg loom. it would crank but wouldnt turn over and the rad fan was coming on. so what was in pin 3 was a rad fan so i moved that. tried a few different combos with pins 8 and 33 and it still wont start. one the evo 4 and 5 pinouts ive found. number 33 is alternator ground where as on the evo 6 pinout. number 33 is fuel press sol.

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Well i put it all back together minus the evo 4 afm. I put the ssg ecu back in and and the 450cc injectors. I drove it to my local bunnings and back. About a half hour of driving. It seemed to drive alright with the evo 4 afm. I suspected a boost leak in my pipping or my maf adapter cause it was spiking at 14 psi on boost and would taper down to 8. When it was running 11 stock before.

I did the timing belt on it it and now it wont start. I made sure i did everything right and have double checked it with the manual. The only thing i had done different was put some after market cam gears on and swap the afm back to the ssg one during the timing belt change. I had to screw the ring for the cam gear seansor onto the back of one of the aftermarket cam gears and had assumed that maybe that was what was causing it. I changed the aftermarket cam gears back to the stock ones and tried it with them and still will not start. I checked for error codes and i had 3 error codes to do with the afm. I cleared them by resetting the ecu by leaving the battery off. Tried cranking a few more times and it still wouldnt kick over. Checked for error codes and its all clear. Pulled all the plugs and checked for spark. When i pulled them they all seemed to be covered in unburnt fuel. Checked for spark and they were all getting spark. It has me completely stumped.

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Ive also checked the cam and crank sensors and they are also fine and look like there has been no foul play.

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