i agree that idiotic driving should be kept off the streets... but you cant honestly say that you have never EVER give the car a gut full at the lights when you have had another fast car next to you?
i can ceratinly say guilty as charged... i back off when i hit the speed limit so i would end up speeding a little but not more than 5-10 over i guess *shrug* i dont do it to speak of these days but back when i was younger i did...
i guess it depends what you have to do for the cop to get you as a hoon... is taking off at the lights hard, enuf when there is another car beside you.. i'm sure they would try the arguement its street racing...
after having seen the roads and drivers in alot of europes major cities i can tell you aussie roads are extreamly safe compared to the likes of rome, paris, london... narrow little streets with scooters ducking in and out of cars... crazy pedestrians... bicycles... how there is anyone left alive over here i dont know...
mebbe the cops need to back off a bit and people take charge for their own actions.. it seems to work over here reasonably well...