Thx for everyone that has participated in EXE DYNO DAY...
it was a great turn out, great wheather too... big surprise on the day was the stock MPS3 pulling 161.7 KW ATW... very impressive result for FWD 2.3 L4 turbo running on stock setup, stock 4psi boost... dynoed at the 5th gear... also tran with his secret upgrade ^_^ and alistair with great output on mildly modded soarer...
hope the result from this dyno day can be a useful reference for whoever interested modding their particular car in the future (keep in mind that wheather, different dyno, humidity might have slightly different result). detail mod of the relating car can be asked directly to the owner of the car in your forum...
212.0 KW ATW - Tran (blacks14) - RWD - 200sx S14
168.8 KW ATW - alistair (Aldmo87) - RWD - Toyota soarer
162.4 KW ATW - Silas (Flameboy) - RWD - 350Z (pod filter)
161.7 KW ATW - Cain (KRNAGE) - FWD - MPS3 (stock)
155.9 KW ATW - Dano (DFAULT) - RWD - R32 GTS-T
144.5 KW ATW - Hany Khoury (Hayness) - RWD - 180SX
140.2 KW ATW - Braedyn Corbani (corbz) - RWD - 200SX S15
131.5 KW ATW - Thao (fknidt) - FWD - civic vitR
130.6 KW ATW - James Caws - RWD - 96 Falcon Ute XH
127.5 KW ATW - Joel (Astro) - RWD - RX8
127.2 KW ATW - Stephen (takahashi) - RWD - RX8
126.7 KW ATW - William (YellowRX8) - RWD - RX8
122.9 KW ATW - Jorge (fly_sri) - FWD - Astra SRI T
120.2 KW ATW - Gaspar (typeG) - FWD - Accord Euro *4th Gear*
119.9 KW ATW - Yohan (Curik) - FWD - Accord Euro *4th Gear*
119.4 KW ATW - Andrew H (auzoom) - RWD - RX8
118.4 KW ATW - Kit (Kitbkk) - FWD - Accord Euro *4th Gear*
118.3 KW ATW - Bryan (silver_slug) - FWD - Corolla Sportivo
114.4 KW ATW - Jarrod (jarrodgt4) - AWD - celica GT4
103.0 KW ATW - andrew (Sandy) - FWD - Mazda3 SP23
98.0 KW ATW - Daniel (Dantze) - FWD - 206 GTI
97.8 KW ATW - Chee (sheepo) - FWD - Mazda3 SP23
97.0 KW ATW - Brian (Chompies) - FWD - Mazda3 SP23
94.7 KW ATW - Cam (Cam) - FWD - Mazda3 SP23
88.0 KW ATW - Jason (Unco) - FWD - Mazda3 maxx sport
83.7 KW ATW - Jules (RME1) - FWD - Corolla 1zzFe
75.3 KW ATW - Kate Vanderlugt (91cel) - FWD - 91 Celica 5SFE
67.6 KW ATW - Songaz (fitz) - FWD - Jazz Vti-S
William (YellowRX8) - RWD - RX8 126.7 KW ATW

Stephen (takahashi) - RWD - RX8 127.2 KW ATW

Ethan (Typeless) - FWD - Integra VTiR *PINGING - CANCELED*

Jules (RME1) - FWD - Corolla 1zzFe 83.7 KW ATW

Songaz (fitz) - FWD - Jazz Vti-S 67.6 KW ATW

Cain (KRNAGE) - FWD - MPS3 (stock) 161.7 KW ATW

Hany Khoury (Hayness) - RWD - 180SX 144.5 KW ATW

James Caws - RWD - 96 Falcon Ute XH 130.6 KW ATW

Kate Vanderlugt (91cel) - FWD - 91 Celica 5SFE 75.3 KW ATW

Braedyn Corbani (corbz) - RWD - 200SX S15 140.2 KW ATW

Joel (Astro) - RWD - RX8 127.5 KW ATW

Andrew H (auzoom) - RWD - RX8 119.4 KW ATW

Dano (DFAULT) - RWD - R32 GTS-T 155.9 KW ATW

Tran (blacks14) - RWD - 200sx S14 212.0 KW ATW

Bryan (silver_slug) - FWD - Corolla Sportivo 118.3 KW ATW

Chee (sheepo) - FWD - Mazda3 SP23 97.8 KW ATW

Jarrod (jarrodgt4) - AWD - celica GT4 114.4 KW ATW

Silas (Flameboy) - RWD - 350Z (pod filter) 162.4 KW ATW

Yohan (Curik) - FWD - Accord Euro *4th Gear* 119.9 KW ATW

Gaspar (typeG) - FWD - Accord Euro *4th Gear* 120.2 KW ATW

Kit (Kitbkk) - FWD - Accord Euro *4th Gear* 118.4 KW ATW

Brian (Chompies) - FWD - Mazda3 SP23 97.0 KW ATW

alistair (Aldmo87) - RWD - Toyota soarer 168.8 KW ATW

Thao (fknidt) - FWD - civic vitR 131.5 KW ATW

Jason (Unco) - FWD - Mazda3 88.0 KW ATW

Daniel (Dantze) - FWD - 206 GTI 98.0 KW ATW

Cam (Cam) - FWD - Mazda3 SP23 94.7 KW ATW

andrew (Sandy) - FWD - Mazda3 SP23 103.0 KW ATW

Jorge (fly_sri) - FWD - Astra SRI T 122.9 KW ATW


Big thanks to:
irawan (visage) and Yolanda - BBQ
Jason (Unco) - data maintenance
Thao (fknidt) - forms / paperwork
all exe-crew that attend this event!
participating forum: