External window trim removal.


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White Knight

Well-Known Member
May 21, 2013
Wanting to tidy some aspects of the hsgr and starting with the external window trim.
I have removed 2 screws, A and B pillar ends from inside door. Trim moves side to side but will not pull up and out. Any further screws or tricks?
Cheers in advance.
Gotcha! Well I'll be, that's another hour I wont get back lol!!!
Better buy another tool to add to the collection.
Cheers Jamo, appreciate it.
They can be an absolute prick to get off sometimes. Its difficult to not bend them also.. take your time.
You also can take the door trim off and prise the locking tabs with a long flat blade screwdriver if you can get it up that far to where they are..might have to take glass out too...but its worth it to not bend them.
I know for the Evo they are around $90 each...Im guessing RVR would be similar
No such thing as a small/quick job with these hey mate. I was thinking of taking the door card off first as well as I'm updating the speakers anyway. Should be fun....