firewall - entry thru firwall from inside cabin? how many wa


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Apr 9, 2007
just wondering whats the easiest way to put vacume hoses thru the firwall
from inside the cabin.
The only one i can find is in the middle behind the stero where these 2 black hoses go thru with black rubber around it and 2 bolts that can be undone.

is there anywhere else, a little easier?

whats easiest way?
I put my vac hose through the hole near the Clutch Master Cylinder.

Wrap it in some red or bright coloured electrical tape and poke it through the engine side first. Then go in the car near the peddals with a torch and look up around the master cylinder for that bright bit of electrical tape and then pull it through.

Can be done without the tape but it makes it stand out and easier to see if you let go of it.

yeah that's where everything geos through on my car, Amp power lead, cruise control wiring, alarm wiring, boost guage & controller pipe, when you shove things through from the fire wall I think they can go under the sound deadening liner so the red tape is a good idea.
just pierce a hole in the grommet of the accelerator cable on the firewall next to the clutch m/cyl... that will be your best option to run it through there... I did....